I've got a problem. In Java I need to read samples from a wav file. The file format is: wav, PCM_SIGNED, signed int of 2bytes = 16bits, little endian... The object reads the audio samples in BYTES and I need to convert this two bytes in one double value. I tried to use this formula but it's not completely correct:

mono = (double)((audioBytes[k] & 0xFF) | (audioBytes[k + 1] << 8));

Comparing the results with Matlab I always notice differences between the real value in Matlab and the converted one in Java. Can anybody help me please? Thank you, Dave

  • 2
    Do you have an example of a short sequence of bytes, what your expected output is, and what your actual output is?
    – robert_x44
    Jan 6, 2011 at 15:22
  • If audioBytes[k] is a byte, audioBytes[k] & 0xFF == audioBytes[k], so the mask is useless. Jan 6, 2011 at 15:34
  • If audioBytes[k] == -1, audioBytes[k] & 0xFF == 255 (after I pass the result to System.out.println anyway). Jan 6, 2011 at 15:50
  • You're right, I'm wrong... and embarrassed :) Jan 6, 2011 at 16:07
  • this is my expected value in Matlab: -3.295876945438848e-05, while in Java it comes: -3.0517578125E-5. The strange fact is that Matlab*32768 = -1.0800 while Java*32768 = .1
    – Davide
    Jan 6, 2011 at 17:41

3 Answers 3


You haven't given us enough information to know why you're getting different results in Matlab and Java. Usually you scale the short channel data [-32768..32767] to a double in the range [-1..1] which it looks like you are attempting to do. Your java result: -3.0517578125E-5 is correct for the short value -1: -1/32768. I don't know why your Matlab result is different. You haven't shown us how you are arriving at your Matlab results.

If you have a large sequence of bytes (which I'm guessing you do), and you don't want to worry about BIG-ENDIAN vs LITTLE-ENDIAN or shifting bits and bytes, let java take care of it for you:

import java.nio.*;
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(audioBytes);

while (buf.remaining() >= 2) {
    short s = buf.getShort();
    double mono = (double) s;
    double mono_norm = mono / 32768.0;

ByteBuffer.getShort() reads the next two bytes of the buffer, takes care of the Little-Endian ordering, converts the bytes to a short, and positions itself for the next getXXX() call.

  • I think this method is the best one.
    – Davide
    Jan 7, 2011 at 13:20
  • It really depends on what you're doing in MATLAB. What code/commands are you running?
    – robert_x44
    Jan 7, 2011 at 15:06

This is the correct way:

double sampleValue = (double)(( bytes[0]<<8 ) | ( bytes[1]&0x00FF ));

(Change indices to swap little/big)


Cant you just do most_significant byte * 256 + least_significant_byte and then cast to double?

  • I wouldn't have thought so, because byte values in Java go from -128 to 127. Jan 6, 2011 at 15:46

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