Let's say I have this


%x = ('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3);

and I would like to know if the value 2 is a hash value in %x.

How is that done?


6 Answers 6


Fundamentally, a hash is a data structure optimized for solving the converse question, knowing whether the key 2 is present. But it's hard to judge without knowing, so let's assume that won't change.

Possibilities presented here will depend on:

  • how often you need to do it
  • how dynamic the hash is

One-time op

  • grep $_==2, values %x (also spelled grep {$_==1} values %x) will return a list of as many 2s as are present in the hash, or, in scalar context, the number of matches. Evaluated as a boolean in a condition, it yields just what you want.
    grep works on versions of Perl as old as I can remember.
  • use List::Util qw(first); first {$_==2} values %x returns only the first match, undef if none. That makes it faster, as it will short-circuit (stop examining elements) as soon as it succeeds. This isn't a problem for 2, but take care that the returned element doesn't necessarily evaluate to boolean true. Use defined in those cases.
    List::Util is a part of the Perl core since 5.8.
  • use List::MoreUtils qw(any); any {$_==2} values %x returns exactly the information you requested as a boolean, and exhibits the short-circuiting behavior.
    List::MoreUtils is available from CPAN.
  • 2 ~~ [values %x] returns exactly the information you requested as a boolean, and exhibits the short-circuiting behavior.
    Smart matching is available in Perl since 5.10.

Repeated op, static hash

Construct a hash that maps values to keys, and use that one as a natural hash to test key existence.

my %r = reverse %x;
if ( exists $r{2} ) { ... }

Repeated op, dynamic hash

Use a reverse lookup as above. You'll need to keep it up to date, which is left as an exercise to the reader/editor. (hint: value collisions are tricky)


Shorter answer using smart match (Perl version 5.10 or later):

print 2 ~~ [values %x];
  • 2
    Please note in your answer that this is 5.10+ only
    – DVK
    Jan 15, 2011 at 0:56
my %reverse = reverse %x;
if( defined( $reverse{2} ) ) {
  print "2 is a value in the hash!\n";

If you want to find out the keys for which the value is 2:

foreach my $key ( keys %x ) {
  print "2 is the value for $key\n" if $x{$key} == 2;
  • This is a good plan if you need to do a lot of reverse lookups. But for just one reverse lookup, it's overkill.
    – cjm
    Jan 15, 2011 at 0:15

Everyone's answer so far was not performance-driven. While the smart-match (~~) solution short circuits (e.g. stops searching when something is found), the grep ones do not.

Therefore, here's a solution which may have better performance for Perl before 5.10 that doesn't have smart match operator:

use List::MoreUtils qw(any);
if (any { $_ == 2 } values %x) {
    print "Found!\n";

Please note that this is just a specific example of searching in a list (values %x) in this case and as such, if you care about performance, the standard performance analysis of searching in a list apply as discussed in detail in this answer


grep and values

my %x = ('a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3); 

if (grep { $_ == 2 } values %x ) {
    print "2 is in hash\n";
else {
    print "2 is not in hash\n";

See also: perldoc -q hash


Where $count would be the result:

my $count = grep { $_ == 2 } values %x;

This will not only show you if it's a value in the hash, but how many times it occurs as a value. Alternatively you can do it like this as well:

my $count = grep {/2/} values %x;

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