Real simple question here - how do I add the .hoverIntent plugin from Brian Cherne to the following code in place of the .live("hover", function

        $(".highlight").live("hover", function(){
            $(this).animate({"width": "454px", "height":"282px", "top: ":"94px", "left":"152px", "margin-top: ":"-94px", "margin-left":"-152px"}, 500);       


Here's the full code:


        $('#sliding_grid li').hover(function() {

        }, function() {
          $(this).css('z-index', 0);

        $(".highlight").live("hover", function(){
            $(this).animate({"width": "454px", "height":"282px", "top: ":"94px", "left":"152px", "margin-top: ":"0", "margin-left":"0"}, 500);       


        $(".highlight").live("mouseout", function(){
            $(this).animate({"width": "148px", "height":"90px", "top: ":$(this).data('origTop'), "left":$(this).data('origLeft'), "margin-top: ":"0", "margin-left":"0"}, 500, function(){



3 Answers 3


As of this answer, the current version of the plugin is "r7" which can be found here:


With version "r7", you can pass a selector as the third parameter. This is like the delegate event in jQuery. When adding hoverIntent to a list of dynamic elements, bind the hoverIntent event to the parent element and use the third parameter to add a selector of the element you want to use the hoverIntent on.

For example, if you have a list of <li> elements that will be changing and you want the hoverIntent to fire on each <li> then you can do the following:

$("ul").hoverIntent(overFunction, outFunction, "li");

This is very basic so you would want to update the 2 selectors to match your exact setup.

  • ++++ You wouldn't believe how many posts I've had to read/try-out before finding your totally amazing answer. Thanks! May 7, 2015 at 13:47
  • Glad it helped you out Matthew!
    – Tim Banks
    May 7, 2015 at 15:52

Try replacing this code:

$(".highlight").live("hover", function(){
    $(this).animate({"width": "454px", "height":"282px", "top: ":"94px", "left":"152px", "margin-top: ":"0", "margin-left":"0"}, 500);       


With this:

$('.highlight').live('mouseover', function() {  
  if (!$(this).data('init')) {  
    $(this).data('init', true);  
      $(this).animate({"width": "454px", "height":"282px", "top: ":"94px", "left":"152px", "margin-top: ":"0", "margin-left":"0"}, 500);
      /* mouseout logic */  


  • 1
    Thats a really ugly method of handling this. Not going to say it won't work... but it makes me want to cry. :)
    – gnarf
    Jan 18, 2011 at 17:48
  • Not working :( Here is your code plugged into the source: jsfiddle.net/kTFvj/4
    – Brian
    Jan 18, 2011 at 18:03
function animateFn(){
     $(this).animate({"width": "454px", "height":"282px", "top: ":"94px", "left":"152px", "margin-top: ":"-94px", "margin-left":"-152px"},200);

function reseteFn(){ 
    $(this).animate({"width": "148px", "height":"90px", "top: ":$(this).data('origTop'), "left":$(this).data('origLeft'), "margin-top: ":"0", "margin-left":"0"}, 500, function(){

var config = {    
     over: animateFn, // function = onMouseOver callback (REQUIRED)    
     timeout: 200, // number = milliseconds delay before onMouseOut    
     out: reseteFn // function = onMouseOut callback (REQUIRED)    

  • I'm going to check it out in 5 mins ;) I'll let you know
    – stecb
    Jan 18, 2011 at 18:06
  • Where's hoverintent lib? Also, the code is wrong. You have to set '$(".highlight").hoverIntent(config);' instead of '$(".highlight").live("mouseout", function(){...'
    – stecb
    Jan 18, 2011 at 18:08
  • jsfiddle.net/steweb/ZZDdR check this out! It needs some z-index and offset fixes, but seems to work ;) p.s. the plugin is added through "Add Resources" on the left
    – stecb
    Jan 18, 2011 at 18:28
  • 2
    hernan on github forked it and added support to the plugin so it binds to the live event without changing any of your code. github.com/hernan/hoverIntent commit - github.com/hernan/hoverIntent/commit/…
    – jBeas
    Jan 9, 2012 at 21:02
  • @jBeas this deserves to be written in a separate answer, not hidden in the read more comments. Apr 24, 2012 at 20:34

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