I grab a load of JSON data which i decode using php json_decode. I want to search or extract certain elements of the JSON object. I've looked at a few similar examples with little success.

The JSON structure is like this. I want to extract the stock element to compare, using PHP.

            "name":"item Name",
            "stock":"in stock"
  • 3
    It should be $json['items']['item000']['stock'] after it's been parsed (assuming $json = json_decode('...');). Jan 20, 2011 at 21:16

1 Answer 1


according to php.net if you use something as:

$decodedArray = json_decode($jsonString,true);

And according to your example to access the stock value you will need:

foreach($decodedArray['items'] as $itemKey=>$itemProps)
  echo $itemProps['stock'];

And as I tested it, your json is invalid. You must add one more curly bracket add the end of your json to close the main root object :)


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