I have defined the following two types in my XSD-file:

<complexType name="primitive">
  <attribute name="seq_num" type="int"/>
  <element name="prim_to" type="int"/>

<complexType name="configdata">
    <element name="enable" type="boolean"/>
    <element name="type" default="int"/>

Both types are used in a number of definitions, i.e. I would rather not change these them. I would like to define a new element set which extends primitive and contains all sub-elements of configdata. The XML-file for this element would look like this (please note, that enable and type are at the same level as prim_to):

<set seq_num="1234">

I could declare set the following way:

<element name="set">
      <extension base="primitive">
          <element name="config" type="configdata"/>

In this case the XML-file would look like this:

<set seq_num="1234">

My challenge is to define set in such a way that it extends primitive and contains all sub-elements of configdata - but does not contain an element of the type configdata. Basically for the XML-file above it is a question of not having the two 'config'-tags. Is this possible in XSD? I would highly appreciate any hints.

Thanks in Advance,

  • I must have misundertood: why don't you define set with the configdata type, eg element name="set" type="configdata" ?
    – Damien
    Feb 9, 2011 at 11:57
  • I have simplified the code example compared to the real code. In my real code set is an extension of another complexType. set hold additional elements - and I would like it to also hold all sub-elements of configdata.
    – Witek
    Feb 9, 2011 at 12:09
  • So what you're really asking for here is to have the set element, extend multiple complex types?
    – pmartin
    Feb 9, 2011 at 14:42
  • Sorry for not being clear - maybe I over-simplified the code examples. I have tried rephrasing the question to make it more clear. I hope that helps. I am learing XSD by doing - so maybe that is the root cause of my problem. ;-)
    – Witek
    Feb 10, 2011 at 8:40

2 Answers 2


A type can only extend a single other one (in other words, there is no multiple inheritance). So, your set element can extend configdata (with xsd:extension) and have additional elements, or it can extend another type and you could copy configdata elements to extend it. You can use groups to avoid redundancy.

  • It could help you if you don't want to have several definitions for configdata elements: you could define a named group with all configdata elements, use it to define configdata with the tree element>complexType>group, and then use it to extend the primitive type in the set element, with the tree element>complexType>complexContent>extension>group.
    – Damien
    Feb 10, 2011 at 9:11
  • That works ... and I have learned more about XSD! ;-) Many thanks for your help!
    – Witek
    Feb 10, 2011 at 9:31

You should define the set element like this:

<element name="set" type="configdata" />

Using this structure, the set element will contain the two child elements in the configdata complex type.

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