Does anyone know of an algorithm to find if a linked list loops on itself using only two variables to traverse the list. Say you have a linked list of objects, it doesn't matter what type of object. I have a pointer to the head of the linked list in one variable and I am only given one other variable to traverse the list with.

So my plan is to compare pointer values to see if any pointers are the same. The list is of finite size but may be huge. I can set both variable to the head and then traverse the list with the other variable, always checking if it is equal to the other variable, but, if I do hit a loop I will never get out of it. I'm thinking it has to do with different rates of traversing the list and comparing pointer values. Any thoughts?

  • Thanks, the Turtle and Rabbit does give a good solution. Conceptually I also like the idea of a Rabbit looping around the Turtle if the list ever loops back on itself. BTW the list isn't expected to be a circular linked list, if it loops, it will likely point to somewhere in the middle.
    – jeffD
    Jan 30, 2009 at 17:18

7 Answers 7


I would suggest using Floyd's Cycle-Finding Algorithm aka The Tortoise and the Hare Algorithm. It has O(n) complexity and I think it fits your requirements.

Example code:

function boolean hasLoop(Node startNode){
  Node slowNode = Node fastNode1 = Node fastNode2 = startNode;
  while (slowNode && fastNode1 = fastNode2.next() && fastNode2 = fastNode1.next()){
    if (slowNode == fastNode1 || slowNode == fastNode2) return true;
    slowNode = slowNode.next();
  return false;

More info on Wikipedia: Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm.

  • Thanks, this one uses and extra Node variable though.
    – jeffD
    Jan 30, 2009 at 17:11
  • 2
    Yeah, you can easily modify the above code to set fastNode1 to slowNode.next().next() :) Jan 31, 2009 at 7:11
  • 1
    what happens if we advance the fastNode by three at a time instead of two? Can't we detect that fastNode has crossed slowNode. Obviously the equality check (which we are currently using for detecting this) need not necessarily work with advances of three. What do you think? Wont this (hop more steps at a time) be a better algorithm?
    – Lazer
    Apr 3, 2010 at 2:49
  • @Lazer - there's a risk for small loops that both pointers wrap like that
    – Flexo
    Oct 7, 2011 at 10:46
  • Why is the complexity o(n) ? Finding the circle is same as traversing to the last element?
    – ernesto
    Mar 27, 2015 at 11:24

You can use the Turtle and Rabbit algorithm.

Wikipedia has an explanation too, and they call it "Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm" or "Tortoise and hare"

  • I've sent a bug report to [email protected]
    – martinus
    Jan 30, 2009 at 8:53
  • The Wikipedia finally nails the private stupid doubt I've been having about this algorithm for years. Thanks for posting this link.
    – user3458
    Jan 30, 2009 at 23:14

Absolutely. One solution indeed can be traversing the list with both pointers, one travelling at twice the rate of the other.

Start with the 'slow' and the 'fast' pointer pointing to any location in the list. Run the traversal loop. If the 'fast' pointer at any time comes to coincide with the slow pointer, you have a circular linked list.

int *head = list.GetHead();
if (head != null) {
    int *fastPtr = head;
    int *slowPtr = head;

    bool isCircular = true;

        if (fastPtr->Next == null || fastPtr->Next->Next == null) //List end found
            isCircular = false;

        fastPtr = fastPtr->Next->Next;
        slowPtr = slowPtr->Next;
    } while (fastPtr != slowPtr);

    //Do whatever you want with the 'isCircular' flag here
  • Won't this fail with a pointer error if fastPtr ever happens to be on the last element in the list at the top of the loop? Jan 30, 2009 at 8:18
  • Or on the initial assignment of fastPtr if the list is empty or 1 element long? Jan 30, 2009 at 8:22
  • This does not work when the list does not have a cycle and the length is odd, next->next will give you a nullpointer exception (or something like that)
    – martinus
    Jan 30, 2009 at 8:42

I tried to solve this myself and found a different (less efficient but still optimal) solution.

The idea is based on reversing a singly linked list in linear time. This can be done by doing two swaps at each step in iterating over the list. If q is the previous element (initially null) and p is the current, then swap(q,p->next) swap(p,q) will reverse the link and advance the two pointers at the same time. The swaps can be done using XOR to prevent having to use a third memory location.

If the list has a cycle then at one point during the iteration you will arrive at a node whose pointer has already been changed. You cannot know which node that is, but by continuing the iteration, swapping some elements twice, you arrive at the head of the list again.

By reversing the list twice, the list remains unchanged in result and you can tell if it had a cycle based on whether you arrived at the original head of the list or not.

  • As this requires modifying the list, I think it's a much worse solution. Two examples where it would be problematic: if the list might reside in constant memory (static const structures or a memory-mapped read-only file, for instance), or if the list is used by multiple threads (as long as access is read-only, no locking is required; with locking it would become very slow and/or stall other threads). Aug 11, 2010 at 8:23
int isListCircular(ListNode* head){
        return 0;
    ListNode *fast=head, *slow=head;
    while(fast && fast->next){
            return 1;
    return 0;
boolean findCircular(Node *head)
    Node *slower, * faster;
    slower = head;
    faster = head->next;
    while(true) {
        if ( !faster || !faster->next)
            return false;
        else if (faster == slower || faster->next == slower)
            return true;
            faster = faster->next->next;
  • Code only answers are not recommended, try to at least briefly explain what you did.
    – Unome
    Sep 3, 2015 at 16:36

Taking this problem to a next step will be identifying the cycle (that is, not just that the cycle exists, but where exactly it is in the list). Tortoise and Hare algorithm can be used for the same, however, we will require to keep track of the head of the list at all times. An illustration of this algorithm can be found here.

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