I have text boxes <input type='text'> that only allow numeric characters and wont let the user enter a dot (.) more than once. Problem is, if the text in the text box is selected, the user intends to overwrite the contents with a dot, hence making it allowed! The question is, how can you tell in javascript whether the text in that text box is selected or not.



6 Answers 6


The following will tell you whether or not all of the text is selected within a text input in all major browsers.

Example: http://www.jsfiddle.net/9Q23E/


function isTextSelected(input) {
    if (typeof input.selectionStart == "number") {
        return input.selectionStart == 0 && input.selectionEnd == input.value.length;
    } else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined") {
        return document.selection.createRange().text == input.value;
  • 30
    So, how do they look guys? Feb 9, 2012 at 16:29
  • FYI, this will return true if the input is empty.
    – Jack
    May 22, 2014 at 19:28
  • @Jack: True, although I'm pretty sure it's deliberate. It's not intuitively clear to me what the behaviour should be when the input is empty.
    – Tim Down
    May 22, 2014 at 21:19
  • 1
    @SunnyRGupta: That doesn't work on Firefox. The cross-browser and standardized way of getting the selection from an input or textarea is still selectionStart and selectionEnd. The second branch is for IE <= 8 and can be safely omitted now unless you need to support IE 8 but isn't doing any harm.
    – Tim Down
    Jan 16, 2017 at 11:19
  • 1
    @SunnyRGupta: No, it wouldn't, because document.getSelection() doesn't work for selections in inputs and textareas in Firefox.
    – Tim Down
    Jan 19, 2017 at 10:35

2017 Specific Answer - Faced the same issue recently.

We were allowing users to enter only 3 digits at a time. When the user tried to enter the fourth character we returned false.

This became an issue when the user had a selection and was trying to overwrite the values.

Taking a hint from Tim's answer. I understood that I wanted to see if the selection value was same as the input's value.

In modern browsers I achieved it by doing:

document.getSelection().toString() === input.value // edited

Hope this helps someone.

  • 1
    A more correct example would be: var selected = document.getSelection().toString() === document.getElementById('inputName').value; Unfortunately it does not work in all browsers.
    – RWC
    Apr 19, 2017 at 7:24
  • But the code above works in all modern browsers, no? Apr 19, 2017 at 7:38
  • thanks buddy, needed this solution for exactly the same issue (3 decimals in an input field)
    – webmaster
    Jan 8 at 12:59

For anyone who needs the code to get at the selected text within a textbox, here's an enhanced version:


function getSelection(textbox) 
   var selectedText = null;
   var activeElement = document.activeElement;

   // all browsers (including IE9 and up), except IE before version 9 
   if(window.getSelection && activeElement && 
      (activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "textarea" || (activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && activeElement.type.toLowerCase() == "text")) &&
      activeElement === textbox) 
      var startIndex = textbox.selectionStart;
      var endIndex = textbox.selectionEnd;

      if(endIndex - startIndex > 0)
          var text = textbox.value;
          selectedText = text.substring(textbox.selectionStart, textbox.selectionEnd);
   else if (document.selection && document.selection.type == "Text" &&  document.selection.createRange) // All Internet Explorer
       var range = document.selection.createRange();
       selectedText = range.text;

    return selectedText;
  • This type of approach worked better than the accepted answer for my use case, thanks to the addition of checking whether the given input field is also the active element. May 4, 2022 at 21:06

Instead of hitting the wall of digits dots and selections you can climb it easily by checking the value in onchange event.


<input type="text" onchange="ValidateNumericValue(this);" />


function ValidateNumericValue(oInput) {
    var blnRequired = true; //set to false if allowing empty value

    var sValue = oInput.value;
    if (blnRequired && sValue.length == 0) {
        alert("Please enter a value");

    var numericValue = parseFloat(sValue);
    if (isNaN(numericValue)) {
        alert("Value is not a valid number");

    //put back to make 2.15A back to 2.15
    oInput.value = numericValue + "";

This will check the value when changed (and user go to different element) and when not valid will alert and set focus back.

Live test case: http://jsfiddle.net/yahavbr/NFhay/

  • @Cas works fine for me. Just tried in jsFiddle, put "A" in the first textbox, press TAB and it will alert and keep focus in textbox. Feb 15, 2011 at 12:06

If you're use case is simply to know whether any text is selected.

The difference between selectionStart and selectionEnd is always zero when no text is selected irrespective of cursor position.

So this should do the trick

const element = document.getElementById('inputbox');

const isTextSelected = element.selectionStart - element.selectionEnd;

You can get the id of the selected element in the page with the following code:

elem_offset = document.getSelection().anchorOffset;
elem = document.getSelection().anchorNode.childNodes[elem_offset];

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