i'm trying to allow user to upload multiple images but when i validate the form with some files i get this error Incorrect value on the images field... Here is my code:

in the view:

 #{form @save(id)}

        <p class="error">
            Please correct these errors.

        <input type="text" name="title" value="${flash.title}" id="title" />
        <span class="error">#{error 'title' /}
        <textarea name="detail" value="${flash.detail}" id="detail" /></textarea>
        <span class="error">#{error 'detail' /}

        <input type="file" draggable="true" name="files" id="files" multiple="multiple"/> 
        <strong>(Max. 5 photos)</strong> <span class="error">#{error 'files' /}
        <input type="submit" value="Publier l'annonce" />


the java function:

    public static void save(long id, @Required String title, @Required String detail, File[] files) throws IOException{ 
        if (id == 0){
            flash.error("Vous devez préalablement selectionner une catégorie...");
        // Action when form errors found 
        else if (validation.hasErrors() ) {
            flash.error("Veuillez corriger les erreurs...");
        //save uploaded images
        for (File file : files) { 
            FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); 
            String original = "/data/" + file.getName();
            IOUtils.copy(is, new FileOutputStream(Play.getFile(original))); 

  • What version of play are you using? I believe there was some issue with multiple file uploads in earlier versions of Play.
    – Codemwnci
    Feb 20, 2011 at 20:54
  • Is this the exact code? I can't see anything wrong. You aren't validating the files parameter, (at least in the code you have shared) so I can't see where this validation error would be coming from.
    – Codemwnci
    Feb 20, 2011 at 21:11
  • now you can see the missing part with the validation test
    – Mooh
    Feb 20, 2011 at 21:45

2 Answers 2


You are using HTML5 field with the DnD file upload aren't you?, I don't know what kind of functionality the JS provides, but usually when you drop a file it will automatically upload it. I suggest you might want to mimick YouTube upload function. For example:

Once file is uploaded, return a json with a generated ID of the file so when you save records you can relate it to the file you just uploaded.

When I was playing with it usually the javascript will open a new POST request, that request you must get it from request.body which is an InputStream, use that InputStream with IOUtils to save the file, once saved return a JSON object with the filename or path of the file.

Thing is, I don't think it will never pass through File files[] because the javascript opens a new POST request so it will always return Incorrect value since it's never filled when you submit the data to the server-side.

You could try this: create two routes, one that uploads the file, one that saves the meta-data of the file, with the one method you do all the file processing, the other one grabs the json return and relate it then save :)

I also posted some sample codes here to a similar question: PlayFramework: Ajax + Drag n' Drop + File Upload + File object in controller?

Cheers, sorry if I sound a tad redundant, kinda tired but I hope this helps you :)


File uploads need to be forced to 'multipart/form-data' for files to be processed in the play framework. Otherwise, the file array will be null.

Adjust your form like this:

 #{form @save(id), enctype:'multipart/form-data'}

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