
Right now I am passing the XML file directly. But I want it to be passed as a httpRequest as shown in the below comment

// String xmlRequest = getXMLRequest(httpRequest);
   String xmlRequest = tdFile.fileToString("C:/Users/praneel/Desktop/file.xml");

How can I do that ?

  • Do you mean they'll pass the path to the file on their system or do you mean something else? Feb 24, 2011 at 17:04
  • What is this question about? a) Reading a file to a string / byte array or b) creating a POST request with an attached file or c) both? What technology are you using? Feb 24, 2011 at 17:05

1 Answer 1


I really have to guess what you mean, but if this is about handling uploaded files on the server side, take a look at Commons/Fileupload

If you mean sending file contents to a HTTP Server, then Apache HTTPClient may be the right choice for you. See Code Examples

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