How do I extract the numbers out of a string like this:


Everything but the currency symbol. Or from something like this:


Just asking if there's an existing function that I'm not a aware of.

3 Answers 3


There is no builtin function in AS3 for that. A simple RegExp like this one should help you :


This is an example, and should be refactored depending your context.

Here is a more precise RegEx from Gunslinger47:

  • For implementation's sake, str = str.match(/[0-9]+.?[0-9]*/g).toString();.
    – user1385191
    Mar 4, 2011 at 23:31
  • @OXMO456 +1 for showing a specific-match approach (I'm assuming the problems in the post will be fixed ;-). However, this will fail to match ".123" and will match "123_456" and the use of /g is suspect as it then opens it up to match "1.2 blah blah blah 1.4" (will result in "1.2,1.4" after string-ification and thus is "useless" for this task). Also, [0-9] is more cleanly written as \d, IMOHO
    – user166390
    Mar 4, 2011 at 23:46
  • @pst yes, this is not the 'perfect' regex but it's a start ; ) it could be refactored depending on the context and needs !
    – OXMO456
    Mar 4, 2011 at 23:50
  • @pst i agree with you, but the question is already marked as answered so... thank for the +1 btw : )
    – OXMO456
    Mar 4, 2011 at 23:53
  • /-?\d*\.?\d+([eE]\d+)?/ may be better. It catches .123 Mar 5, 2011 at 1:03

This is "plain" JavaScript, but FWIW:

justNumsAndDots = "rofl1.50lmao".replace(/[^\d.]/g,"") // -> "1.50" (string)
asIntegral = parseInt("0" + justNumsAndDots, 10)       // -> 1 (number)
asNumber = parseFloat("0" + justNumsAndDots)           // -> 1.5 (number)
asTwoDecimalPlaces = (2 + asNumber).toFixed(2)         // -> "3.50" (string)


  1. Doesn't take localization into account.
  2. Radix (base-10) is passed to parseInt to avoid potential octal conversion (not sure if this "issue" plagues AS).
  3. "0" is added to the start of justNumsAndDots so parseInt/parseFloat will never return a NaN here. (e.g. parseFloat(".") -> NaN, parseFloat("0.") -> 0). If NaN's are desired, alter to suite.
  4. Input like "rofl1.chopter50lolz" will be stripped to "1.50", it might be over-greedy, depending.
  5. Adapt to AS as necessary.

Happy coding.

  • Your call to replace has a major fault in it. Try the string "w10w10w.w10" to see what I mean. You should say this instead: replace(/^\D*/g, ""). The uncut noise after the number will be ignored by the parse functions. Mar 4, 2011 at 23:56
  • For my purposes this works perfectly, since the user won't be able to play around with the signs, and isn't allowed to input letters or special characters besides a dot.
    – enon
    Mar 4, 2011 at 23:58

As far as I know, no. You can parse every character against an array of valid characters, or use regexp.

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