Can anyone tell me why I show a memory leak in instruments when I play a video? movieURL and moviePlayer are both retained, synthesized properties that are later released in dealloc. Thanks in advance for your help.

- (void)playMovie:(NSString *)movieString { 
NSLog(@"playMovie movieString: %@",movieString);
self.movieURL = [Utilities localMovieURLForFileName:movieString];
if (self.movieURL) {
    MPMoviePlayerController *mp = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:self.movieURL];
    [[mp view] setFrame: [self.view bounds]];  // frame must match parent view
    [self.containerViewController.view addSubview: [mp view]];

    if (mp)
            //save the movie player object
        self.moviePlayer = mp;
        [mp release];
        [self setUpMoviePlayer];

            // Apply the user specified settings to the movie player object
            //[self setMoviePlayerUserSettings];

            // Play the movie!
        [self.moviePlayer play];
self.movieURL = nil;


2 Answers 2


The [mp release]; line does not need to be in the if statement. In Objective-C, you can send message to nil. So if your object was not allocated, that line won't crash as the init method will return nil.

Maybe that's why Instruments reports a memory leak, as it can't be assured your condition is met.

But your code seems to be valid. Also checks your properties, for copy or retain.

  • As long as you release them in your dealloc method, yes
    – Macmade
    Mar 6, 2011 at 10:08

Instrument does tell you which line it was leaking memory so probably you could just pin down the line and tell us. In fact i think the whole if statement could be placed outside.

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