Say I have two std::set<std::string>s. The first one, old_options, needs to be merged with additional options, contained in new_options. I can't just use std::merge (well, I do, but not only that) because I also check for doubles and warn the user about this accordingly. To this effect, I have

void merge_options( set<string> &old_options, const set<string> &new_options )
    // find duplicates and create merged_options, a stringset containing the merged options
    // handle duplicated the way I want to
    // ...
    old_options = merged_options;
  1. Is it better to use

    std::swap( merged_options, old_options );

    or the assignment I have?

  2. Is there a better way to filter duplicates and return the merged set than consecutive calls to std::set_intersection and std::set_union to detect dupes and merge the sets? I know it's slower than one traversal and doing both at once, but these sets are small (performance is not critical) and I trust the Standard more than I trust myself.

3 Answers 3


What's wrong with

void merge_options( set<string> &old_options, const set<string> &new_options )
    for (set<string>::iterator i = new_options.begin();
         i != new_options.end(); ++i)
        if (old_options.find(*i) != old_options.end())

This is a simple O(m lg n) algorithm, where m = new_options.size() and n = old_options.size().

  • simple, yes, but isn't mine the same in performance (if you neglect the factor 2, which shouldn't matter in big-O). I had a simultaneous traverse in mind, which would essentially be O(log(max(M,N)). That would really gain performance, but as Jerry says, is more complicated and perhaps not useful here. I was just making sure I'm not missing a C++ library function.
    – rubenvb
    Mar 6, 2011 at 16:34
  • @rubenvb: A simultaneous traversal would be O(max(m,n)), I think. The difference between this and your version is 1) less allocations and copying (assuming C++03) and 2) I think mine is clearer. I don't think the standard library has a shorter way of doing this, but I must admit <algorithm> keeps surprising me.
    – Fred Foo
    Mar 6, 2011 at 16:40
  • ah yes, log is for binary search, stupid me =s. @Blastfurnace has a nice one too. (and <algorithm> keeps surprising me as well, hence the question)
    – rubenvb
    Mar 7, 2011 at 10:32

Given (as you've stated) that performance isn't critical here, I'd use the assignment and the two-pass algorithm. It's simpler and easier to understand; it's only worth using a "trick" like swap if you really need what it gains.

Writing your own algorithm wouldn't be such a bad thing, but again, unless you have a real use for the benefit it provides, I wouldn't bother.


This is in part an answer to larsmans. There is a remove_copy_if algorithm that encapsulates his for loop into a single function. The following uses a C++0x lambda for the predicate.

void merge_options( set<string> &old_options, const set<string> &new_options )
        inserter(old_options, old_options.end()),
        [&](const string &s) {
            return (old_options.count(s)) ? warn_duplicate(s), true : false;
  • Yes, same complexity. What does the & in the lambda introducer do? I'm not familiar with lambdas yet.
    – Fred Foo
    Mar 7, 2011 at 10:50
  • 1
    @larsmans: It's a capture clause that allows the lambda to access variables in the enclosing scope. The & accesses all captured variables by reference. In this case it allows the lambda to see (and modify) the old_options set. Mar 7, 2011 at 14:39

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