I need a list of directory in LUA

Suppose I have a directory path as "C:\Program Files"

I need a list of all the folders in that particular path and how to search any particular folder in that list.


Need a list of all the folder in path "C:\Program Files"

Below are folder name in the above path

  1. test123

  2. test4567

  3. folder 123

  4. folder 456

  5. folder 456 789

    Need to get the above in a list and then have to search for a particular string like folder 456 in folder 456 789 only.

Have Tried below code. Something I am missing below:-

local function Loc_Lines( str )
local ret= {}   -- 0 lines

while str do
    local _,_,line,tail= string.find( str, "(.-)\n(.+)" )
    table.insert( ret, line or str )
    str= tail
  Print (str)

return ret

local function Loc_ShellCommand( cmd )
local str= nil

    local f= io.popen( cmd )    -- no command still returns a handle :(
     if f then

        str= f:read'*a'
    if str=="" then   -- take no output as a failure (we can't tell..)
        str= nil
-- Remove terminating linefeed, if any (eases up one-line analysis)
if str then
    if string.sub( str, -1 ) == '\n' then
        str= string.sub( str, 1, -2 )

return str

 local function Loc_DirCmd( cmd )


  local str= Loc_ShellCommand( cmd )

 return Loc_Lines(str)

local function Loc_DirList( dirname )

 local ret= {}
    local lookup= {}

   local tbl= Loc_DirCmd( "dir /AD /B "..dirname )   -- only dirs

    -- Add slash to every dir line
    for i,v in ipairs(tbl) do
        table.insert( ret, v..'\\' )
        lookup[v]= true

    -- Return with forward slashes
    if true then
        for i=1,table.getn(ret) do
            ret[i]= string.gsub( ret[i], '\\', '/' )
     Print (ret[i])

   return ret

 Loc_DirList("C:\\Program Files\\")
  • 1
    13 years later... So... Which operating systems do you need? Jan 23, 2023 at 9:23

8 Answers 8


I hate having to install libraries (especially those that want me to use installer packages to install them). If you're looking for a clean solution for a directory listing on an absolute path in Lua, look no further.

Building on the answer that sylvanaar provided, I created a function that returns an array of all the files for a given directory (absolute path required). This is my preferred implementation, as it works on all my machines.

-- Lua implementation of PHP scandir function
function scandir(directory)
    local i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen
    local pfile = popen('ls -a "'..directory..'"')
    for filename in pfile:lines() do
        i = i + 1
        t[i] = filename
    return t

If you are using Windows, you'll need to have a bash client installed so that the 'ls' command will work - alternately, you can use the dir command that sylvanaar provided:

'dir "'..directory..'" /b /ad'
  • 3
    Just a note: Your code gives you all files; the dir command as given gives you just directories. To get all files, just use dir <path> /b (leave off the /ad, which specifies only directories.)
    – Mark
    Jun 5, 2013 at 16:22
  • 1
    You can just recompile a lua library with lfs.h and lfs.c within them. This is what I did to "install" lfs.
    – RandyGaul
    Dec 5, 2013 at 7:56
  • 17
    Don't parse ls. Jun 14, 2016 at 9:26
  • 7
    This break horribly as when directory names contain single quotes (and maybe other nasty characters). Remember POSIX file names are just byte strings. Feb 26, 2017 at 20:05
  • 2
    Don't parse the output of ls. Use find -maxdepth 1 -print0 instead. The problem with ls is that there are many inconsistencies between implementations, and few, if any, allow using a separator that the file names cannot contain (they can contain newlines!), most commonly the null byte, but a slash could probably work too. Jun 26, 2019 at 13:19

Take the easy way, install lfs. Then use the following constructs to find what you need:

for file in lfs.dir[[C:\Program Files]] do
    if lfs.attributes(file,"mode") == "file" then print("found file, "..file)
    elseif lfs.attributes(file,"mode")== "directory" then print("found dir, "..file," containing:")
        for l in lfs.dir("C:\\Program Files\\"..file) do

notice that a backslash equals [[\]] equals "\\", and that in windows / is also allowed if not used on the cmd itself (correct me if I'm wrong on this one).

  • 1
    To get this to work for me, I had to use a file with a fully qualified path name. That is, lfs.attributes("C:\\Program Files\\" .. file, "mode") Also, you should consider filtering out "." and "..", at least on Linux systems.
    – Jay Elston
    Jul 23, 2021 at 2:24
 for dir in io.popen([[dir "C:\Program Files\" /b /ad]]):lines() do print(dir) end

*For Windows


Business Objects
Common Files
DVD Maker
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Device Emulator
Microsoft Help Viewer
Microsoft IntelliPoint
Microsoft IntelliType Pro
Microsoft Office
Microsoft SDKs
Microsoft Security Client
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition
Microsoft Sync Framework
Microsoft Synchronization Services
Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0

Each time through the loop you are given a new folder name. I chose to print it as an example.

  • 3
    Note: To get list of files, only use /b instead of /b /ad. Dec 12, 2015 at 3:11

I don't like installing libraries either and am working on an embedded device with less memory power then a pc. I found out that using 'ls' command lead to an out of memory. So I created a function that uses 'find' to solve the problem.

This way it was possible to keep memory usage steady and loop all the 30k files.

function dirLookup(dir)
   local p = io.popen('find "'..dir..'" -type f')  --Open directory look for files, save data in p. By giving '-type f' as parameter, it returns all files.     
   for file in p:lines() do                         --Loop through all files
  • 1
    this seems to be the best answer with no libraries, does it work in windows? Oct 25, 2015 at 1:34
  • @DanielJordi I don’t think so; in Windows the command find is a counterpart of grep, not the file finder. Mar 1, 2016 at 9:36
  • 2
    This function will traverse the tree recursively, not just list the directory. Mar 1, 2016 at 9:43
  • 2
    To properly handle filenames containing newlines, use find ... -print0 and split on null bytes. You might also want to add -maxdepth 1 to avoid recursing into subdirectories. Jun 26, 2019 at 13:22

Don't parse ls, it's evil! Use find with zero-terminated strings instead (on linux):

function scandir(directory)
    local i, t = 0, {}
    local pfile = assert(io.popen(("find '%s' -maxdepth 1 -print0"):format(directory), 'r'))
    local list = pfile:read('*a')
    for filename in s:gmatch('[^\0]+')
        i = i + 1
        t[i] = filename
    return t

WARNING: however, as an acceped answer this apporach could be exploited if directory name contain ' in it. Only one safe solution is to use lfs or other special library.


IIRC, getting the directory listing isn't possible with stock Lua. You need to write some glue code yourself, or use LuaFileSystem. The latter is most likely the path of least resistance for you. A quick scan of the docs shows lfs.dir() which will provide you with an iterator you can use to get the directories you are looking for. At that point, you can then do your string comparison to get the specific directories you need.

  • Please check it seems I am missing something while getting the list.
    – che
    Mar 14, 2011 at 19:34
  • Tired what you are suggesting something I am missing here
    – che
    Mar 14, 2011 at 19:38
  • (Question was updated to include the code the OP is using, which wasn't around when I wrote my answer.) Fair point, I neglected to mention you could shell out with io.popen(). I assumed you were looking for a generic way to do this, not a Windows specific way. I don't have a Windows box to try this out on. Perhaps you could update your question with the results you get, and the results you expected to get. Mar 14, 2011 at 19:42
  • @che - from what I can see, you haven't tried what I suggested, you chose to go down the route of using a platform specific option. As I already indicated, I don't have a Windows box with Lua to try and track down your problem for you, particularly since you haven't provided the output you get, and the output you expect. Mar 14, 2011 at 19:44
  • This is the Anwer I was looking for can be done with require "lfs" hFile = io.popen('dir /a:d /b "C:\\Program Files\\"') line = hFile:read('*l') while (line ~= nil) do Print(line) line = hFile:read('*l') end
    – che
    Mar 14, 2011 at 20:47

You also install and use the 'paths' module. Then you can easily do this as follow:

require 'paths'

currentPath = paths.cwd() -- Current working directory
folderNames = {}
for folderName in paths.files(currentPath) do
    if folderName:find('$') then
        table.insert(folderNames, paths.concat(currentPath, folderName))

print (folderNames)

-- This will print all folder names

Optionally, you can also look for file names with a specific extension by replacing fileName:find('$') with fileName:find('txt' .. '$')

If you're running on a Unix-based machine you can get a numerically-sorted list of files using the following code:

thePath = '/home/Your_Directory'
local handle = assert(io.popen('ls -1v ' .. thePath)) 
local allFileNames = string.split(assert(handle:read('*a')), '\n')

print (allFileNames[1]) -- This will print the first file name

The second code also excludes files such as '.' and '..'. So it's good to go!

  • I found paths.files(currentPath) will return an unsorted result. How to sort them. Is there code like for file in sort(paths.files(currentPath)) do?
    – C. Wang
    May 5, 2016 at 4:00
  • @C.Wang Please check my answer again. I updated it with the suitable code for your task
    – Amir
    May 5, 2016 at 14:35

Few fixes of val says Reinstate Monica solution:

function scandir(directory)
    local pfile = assert(io.popen(("find '%s' -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%%f\\0'"):format(directory), 'r'))
    local list = pfile:read('*a')

    local folders = {}

    for filename in string.gmatch(list, '[^%z]+') do
        table.insert(folders, filename)

    return folders

Now it filters by folders, excludes dir itself and prints only names.

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