I need to create a list of objects in PL/SQL - postgres and return it as table to user.

Here is the scenario. I have two table called

create table ProcessDetails(
    processName varchar,
    processstartdate timestamp,
    processenddate timestamp);

create table processSLA(
    processName varchar,
    sla numeric);

Now I need to loop over all the records in processDetails table and check which records for each activity type has breached sla, within sla and those that are more 80% of sla.

I would need help in understanding how to loop over records and create a collection in which for each processtype I have details required.

sample data from processdetails table

    ProcessName  processstartdate             processenddate   
    "Create"    "2018-12-24 13:11:05.122694"    null
    "Delete"    "2018-12-24 12:12:24.269266"    null
    "Delete"    "2018-12-23 13:12:31.89164"     null
    "Create"    "2018-12-22 13:12:37.505486"    null

       ProcessName  sla(in hrs) 
       Create       1
       Delete       10

And the output will look something like this

ProcessName  WithinSLA(Count)  BreachedSLA(Count) Exceeded80%SLA(Count)
Create                 1                1              3
Delete                 1                2              1   
  • Are you using PostgreSQL or Oracle?
    – Andomar
    Dec 24, 2018 at 10:28
  • I am using postgresql. Dec 24, 2018 at 10:39

2 Answers 2


For each SLA, you can look up all corresponding process details with a join. The link between two joined tables specified in a join condition. For your example, using (processName) would work.

To find processes that have exceeded the SLA, say that the allowed end date is smaller than the actual end date:

select  processName
,       count(case when det.processstartdate + interval '1 hour' * sla.hours >=
            coalesce(det.processenddate, now()) then 1 end) as InSLA
,       count(case when det.processstartdate + interval '1 hour' * sla.hours <
            coalesce(det.processenddate, now()) then 1 end) as BreachedSLA
,       count(case when det.processstartdate + interval '1 hour' * 0.8 * sla.hours <
            coalesce(det.processenddate, now()) then 1 end) as 80PercentSLA
from    processSLA sla
left join
        ProcessDetails det
using   (processName)
group by
  • I need data something like this.. ProcessName WithinSLA(Count) BreachedSLA(Count) Exceeded80%SLA(Count) Create 1 1 3 Dec 24, 2018 at 10:30
  • You can group by process name, and then count the number of rows within or without the SLA
    – Andomar
    Dec 24, 2018 at 10:50

You can join both tables and use conditional aggregation based on the calculation of the difference between the timestamps.

Something like that:

               WHEN extract(EPOCH FROM pd.processenddate - pd.processstartdate) / 3600 < ps.sla * .8 THEN
             END) "less than 80%",
               WHEN extract(EPOCH FROM pd.processenddate - pd.processstartdate) / 3600 >= ps.sla * .8
                    AND extract(EPOCH FROM pd.processenddate - pd.processstartdate) / 3600 <= ps.sla THEN
             END) "80% to 100%",
               WHEN extract(EPOCH FROM pd.processenddate - pd.processstartdate) / 3600 > ps.sla THEN
             END) "more than 100%"                
       FROM processdetails pd
            INNER JOIN processsla ps
                       ON ps.processname = pd.processname;
  • Thanks, but i need other two columns in the answer. I need those within SLA, exceeded SLA too along with 80% of the sla.. how to I get those.. I need the count of records, not the records it self. Dec 24, 2018 at 10:36
  • @PradeepSreeram: If you want them all, simply remove the WHERE clause.
    – sticky bit
    Dec 24, 2018 at 10:38
  • I will not get the count. I will get records. What I need to count of each type of records... those within sla , breaded and nearing 80% for each process type. The above query will return multiple rows. Dec 24, 2018 at 10:49
  • Thanks for the answer. processend will be null sometimes. if processenddate is null it means the process is still pending.. how to handle that? Dec 24, 2018 at 12:02
  • Thanks for the answer! Dec 24, 2018 at 12:19

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