I checked if the variable is an array. I can return desired elements out of the array by going $array[n];

so that's all good.

but in the following code I don't get the amount of elements returned if I go count($array). sizeof($array) won't do the job either.

    //converting string $messages to array: 
    $messagesArr =  explode("<hr/>", $messages);

            if (is_array($messagesArr )){print("<p style='color:red'>Array OK<p>");}
        else {print("<p style='color:red'>Array not OK<p>");}

    $secondElement = $messagesArr[1]; 
        print("<p style='color:red'>second element is: $tweedeElem<p>"); 
            // This  one actually outputs the desired second element of the array

            $amountMess = count($messagesArr);
    print("<p style='color:red'>the amount of messages is: $amountMess<p>");
  • Are you talking about $berichtenArr? If yes, where is it defined?
    – Donovan
    Mar 28, 2011 at 12:34
  • Where is $berichtenArr being set? Mar 28, 2011 at 12:34

3 Answers 3

$amountMess = count($messagesArr);

$berichtenArr != $messagesArr

  • ouch i though I had the translation down but in the original the count argument is the same. Still the count function will not do it
    – Immers
    Mar 28, 2011 at 13:12
  • What exactly does not work? Switch on full PHP error reporting and check for notices or warnings. Output a var_dump($messagesArr). Mar 28, 2011 at 15:23

In the code that you've pasted, you're storing the messages in $messagesArr but calling count on another variable $berichtenArr. What does that variable contain? Seems you have a bug.


You need to define $berichtenArr:

$berichtenArr = array(blahhhh, foooo, barrrr);

Otherwise count($berichtenArr) won't return anything useful.

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