How do i activate JS and other jquery functions, like masonry after the page is loaded.

i use:

jQuery("#filterbox").load("mypage.html"}); works fine, but eg. mansory is not activated.
jQuery('#content #boxes').masonry({ columnWidth: 122, animate: true });

but the second is not "activated".

is it correct that css, and js is not activated during .load, and if, how do i activate it afterward.

Thanks for any help..



4 Answers 4


Try this:

jQuery("#filterbox").load("mypage.html", function(){
   $('#content #boxes').masonry({ columnWidth: 122, animate: true });

By the way, you have an extra } after mypage.html.


Since jQuery.load is asynchronous, jQuery('#content #boxes').masonry will run DIRECTLY after the call to jQuery.load. You need a way to tell jQuery that you want to execute that function after the content actually has been loaded.

jQuery.load takes a callback function as the second argument. This callback will execute after your content has loaded. Try this:

jQuery("#filterbox").load("mypage.html", function() {
    jQuery('#content #boxes').masonry({ columnWidth: 122, animate: true });

Go ahead and read the documentation for .load().

  • Perfect!! Thank you so much. i have struggled with this for days.
    – user625079
    Apr 3, 2011 at 20:11

Try this

jQuery("#filterbox").load("mypage.html",function() {
      jQuery('#content #boxes').masonry({ columnWidth: 122, animate: true });

Add a ImagesLoaded script https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded/blob/master/imagesloaded.js


jQuery("#filterbox").load("mypage.html",function() {
    jQuery('#content').imagesLoaded(function() {
        jQuery(this).masonry({ itemSelector: '.box' });

It works for me, hope this helps you too

my example (choose gallery in navigation): http://test.crystalstudio.me/nms/

  • .box - change this to Your selector Jun 19, 2013 at 14:52

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