I used tutorial from here: http://developer.longtailvideo.com/contributors/nyboe/index.html To embed player to my page. I downloaded all that I needed. But it seems that embedding wasn't working. I tried another approach and it worked. But still I want to use list items and javascript on my page to seek through video. I don't get it, same code, same browser and theirs works fine, but mine don't. Also I'm curious why they can embed this player on few different ways, but I can manage only one to work since it's all the same. When I try this example I get error in javascript console: uncaught ReferenceError: swfobject is not defined I tried this way:

var swfobject = new SWFObject();
swfobject.embedSWF("jwplayer/player.swf", "placeholder1", "300", "196", "9.0.115", false, flashvars, params, attributes);

But that I got: Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'embedSWF'

1 Answer 1


You can't run SWF on your local computer. Perhaps different security settings is the reason for the different behavior.

  • So how could I test all this is I can't run it on local machine? For example, javascript to position at some second in video on link click?
    – Vajda
    Apr 10, 2011 at 12:01
  • use a personal web server, so you access your page via h**p://localhost/my page.html. use IIS or even apache, like WAMP
    – alfred
    Apr 18, 2011 at 10:35

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