I can't figure out how to match a pattern between LAST / and the end of the line.

I have tons of:

For example i want to match "usr" only when it is in the bold part.
I'm using grep.

I've a small problem with this solution:
It doesn't match the pattern if it is immediately after the /, for example those:
are not matched

FOUND IT: /([^/]*)$


5 Answers 5


It would be:


But maybe you must escape the slash (/) depending on your language:


Why do you want to use regex on such simple task?

If you're using php you can use

$pos = strrpos($line, '/'); 

to determine last occurance of / and then copy everything from there

$name = substr($line, $pos+1);

regex is not ultimate solution to everything. It will be slower on such simple string operations. Well, it will always be slower to your own procedure parsing a string (if it's written good).

  • +1: I'd do it this way in zsh: for line in $(cat input.txt); echo ${line:t}. Regular expression are not the be all and end all.
    – johnsyweb
    Apr 14, 2011 at 11:48
  • i need it to do a grep in a large amount of text file
    – simplex
    Apr 14, 2011 at 13:06
  • So it's even more of a reason NOT to use regex. Just loop through all lines.
    – Kaminari
    Apr 14, 2011 at 17:19
echo "
/usr/etc/var:/etc/aaaaaf.ju" | sed -n 's#.*/##;/.*usr.*/p'
  • i thought the same, but i have tons of file and this solution is really slower compared to a regex search, thanks anyway
    – simplex
    Apr 14, 2011 at 13:07
  • What do you mean by regex-search? sed does regex-search. Which tool(s) do you have? Today, every language has regex. I simplified it a bit - now it just uses sed, not grep. Apr 14, 2011 at 13:38

answer in javascript

var s = "/usr/etc/var:/etc/aaaaaf.ju"
s ; //# => /usr/etc/var:/etc/aaaaaf.ju
var last = s.match(/[^/]+$/);
last ; //# => aaaaaf.ju

Using PCRE:

$re = '/.+\/.*usr.*/i';

$string = '/usr/etc/blabla:/etc/bbb

$nMatches = preg_match_all($re, $string, $aMatches);


    [0] => Array
            [0] => /usr/etc/blabla:/local/fffusr
            [1] => /usr/etc/blabla:/bin/dfusrd


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