My problem is this:

I have 3 tabs, each with an assigned activity. From one of those activities, I want to launch a second activity in the first activity's view (thereby keeping the tabview visible).

So far, I have tried a few approaches:

1 - adding an intent to the first activity's class and then calling startActivityForResult(). This results in the tabview being lost and the second activity covering the screen.

2 - Using a ViewFlipper and adding the second activity as the flipped view.

If anyone can give any sort of direction on where I should be looking I will be extremely pleased :)


  • you're going to run into some undesirable problems if you implement this. the default android tabs are not meant to be used like this.
    – james
    May 26, 2011 at 15:32

2 Answers 2


John all you are looking for is ActivityGroup here are the links that may prove useful to you



  • Hi Folks, many thanks for your answers. In the end (after much fiddling) I binned the idea of launching multiple activities from a single tab and instead have used a viewflipper - which needed careful thought, but is much much easier.
    – John
    Apr 21, 2011 at 8:50

Use THis to start the new Activity

View view = getLocalActivityManager().startActivity("tab1", new Intent(this,tab1.class) .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP)) .getDecorView();


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