Hi I have xml string like you can see below

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> 
- <Result>
    - <AllItems>
        - <Item attribute="123">
              <SubItem subAttribute="1" /> 
              <SubItem2 subAttribute2="2" /> 
        - <Item attribute="321">
              <SubItem subAttribute="3" /> 
              <SubItem2 subAttribute2="4" /> 

I would like to get each item in allitems element get attribute values and add them to Enumerable class

Enumerable<Item> allitems = new Enumerable<Item>();

public class Item()
     public string attribute{get;set;}
     public string subattribute{get;set;}
     public string subattribute2{get;set;}

How it can be done with using LINQ?

  • there is no such class as Enumerable<T>. Use List<T> instead.
    – jeroenh
    Apr 27, 2011 at 15:46
  • 1
    possible duplicate of LINQ to read XML (C#)
    – jeroenh
    Apr 27, 2011 at 15:49

3 Answers 3


Your example would look like this in Linq to XML:

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("test.xml");
var allItems = doc.Descendants("Item").Select(x => new Item() 
    attribute = x.Attribute("attribute").Value,
    subattribute = x.Element("SubItem").Attribute("subAttribute").Value,
    subattribute2 = x.Element("SubItem2").Attribute("subAttribute2").Value

foreach (var item in allItems)
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1} / {2} ", item.attribute, 

Here's something that will directly translate into your class:

var allItems = from item in XDocument.Load("myxmlfile.xml").Descendants("Item")
    select new Item()
        attribute = (string)item.Attribute("attribute"),
        subattribute = (string)item.Element("SubItem1").Attribute("subAttribute"),
        subattribute2 = (string)item.Element("SubItem2").Attribute("subAttribute")

foreach(Item item in allItems)
    // your logic here

You have LINQ to XML which you can use to query XML with LINQ

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