I have been using openid selector to implement openid login on a web site following the tutorial here.

It all works ok but the openid_identifier is read in the controller from the request like so Request.Form["openid_identifier"] and I wanted to instead add the selected openid_identifier to the view model and have it set in there instead (so I can add other things to the view model or so I can test the controller more easily).

Can I do this? How?

1 Answer 1


Does changing

public ActionResult Authenticate(string returnUrl)  


public ActionResult Authenticate(String returnUrl, String openid_identifier)

do it for you?

  • Thanks Naraen, this allows me to avoid using the request to read the data which makes the testing easier, and is a suitable workaround until I can figure out how to set the value of a property on a model
    – Sam Holder
    Apr 30, 2011 at 16:21

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