I've created some custom "popups" (initially styled with "display:none;") that are toggled via an adjacent ".popup_trigger" link with the following summarized functionality:

# /public/javascripts/application.js

  // Trigger a popup
  jQuery('.popup_trigger').live('click', function(event) {
    jQuery(this).next('.popup').toggle(0, function() {
      // Prevent the jQuery('body').click() below if the click occurs inside the popup
    return false;

  // "Outside" click hides popup
  jQuery('body').click(function() {

This works fine for displaying the popups and then hiding them when an "outside" click occurs. However, inside one such popup I have the following:

<%= link_to 'Delete medical record', medical_record, :confirm => 'Permanently delete this medical record?', :method => :delete, :remote => true %>

Which renders the following:

<a href="/medical_records/1" data-confirm="Permanently delete this medical record?" data-method="delete" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow">Delete medical record</a>

My problem is that when I trigger the popup to display, the event.stopPropagation(); call appears to disable the remote functionality of this link. That is, when I click the link, it sends a plain old (not remote) GET request of '/medical_records/1' which looks for the show action instead of destroy.

If I comment out the event.stopPropagation(); in my JS above, the remote link works fine, but then the popup hides when I click inside.

What can I do to have it so an active popup hides only when clicked outside of itself, and also allow the remote links to work?


  • I have the same issue trying to modify the behavior of twitter-bootstraps' dropdown dialogs. Looking at github.com/rails/jquery-ujs/blob/master/src/rails.js, looks like they attach an event delegator to the document for data-remote objects. I'm assuming that provides a good UX when things on the page are changing, but also is annoying because it means a click on a link has to bubble up to the document. Not sure how to work around that...
    – Woahdae
    Mar 18, 2012 at 3:52

2 Answers 2


Had exactly the same problem: Now I use this plugin, works great:



I had the same problem, the only solution I found was to send an ajax request "manually" via jQuery like that :

    jQuery('#notification_<%=notification.id%> .remove-not a').on('click', function(e) {
        url: '<%=notification_path(notification)%>',
        type: 'delete',
        dataType: 'script',

This works fine but if anyone has a better solution I'd be glad to try it out ! :)

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