Is there any way to capture an image of a web page using a C++ CGI? I've been searching high and low, and while I've found a number of implementations in everything from Perl to C#, haven't been able to find any implementations in C++.

The idea is for a user visiting a site to be able to specify a URL. The script would then take a picture of the URL's website, and then show load it to the C++ CGI website I am building.

Any help on this would be much appreciated!


Example in Perl: Webthumb

  • 1
    What code did the C# implementations use? Almost anything you can write in C# can be easily ported to a Win32 C++ app. May 7, 2011 at 9:57
  • As in, a method where the argument is a URL?
    – Bart
    May 7, 2011 at 9:58
  • @Bart - aye, as in a method that would take in a URL as an argument, and take a picture of the said URL, and save it to a folder (or show it directly on another website). Basically, I am developing a CGI website in C++, and as part of the requirement I need to be able to show webthumbs of websites. Though since nobody in their right mind would write a CGI website in C++, there source material is a bit short :)
    – ElfsЯUs
    May 7, 2011 at 10:07
  • @Cody - will try to find those again... though I think they required special C# libraries...
    – ElfsЯUs
    May 7, 2011 at 10:08
  • Also, thumbnail is presumably the favicon? That's a simple HTTP GET. If it's more, there are about a zillion webservices that will allow you to get a thumbnail using a cgi, or you can just host such a service youself and call it. That way, it perhaps need not be in c++?
    – sehe
    May 7, 2011 at 10:08

1 Answer 1


You need to render the webpage in order to create a snapshot. To render the page in C++ you need to include a browser engine. You can do this easily using Qt (a toolkit for c++). This is taken from the documentation of Qt and is all you need to show a webpage.

QWebView *view = new QWebView(ui->centralWidget);

The view object has a loadFinished signal. You could connect some code to this signal. When the page is rendered you tak a snapshot as described here. It boils down to:


When you have got the screenshot you can return the bytes on stdout from your cgi and your done.

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