I would like to do something like this:

find -name "foo*" | python main.py

and access all the files that were found by the find program. How do I access that in Python?

  • What about command which ran for a long time, e.g top.
    – SuB
    Oct 18, 2015 at 8:55

5 Answers 5

import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
    print line

Use sys.stdin.read() or raw_input()

A pipeline just changes the stdin file descriptor to point to the pipeline that the command on the left is writing to.


I Like using $(...) for command-line arguments that are dependent on some other program. I think this would work for your program python main.py $(find -name "foo*"). Found here


I think you can do:

import sys
print sys.stdin.readlines() #or what you want

I believe fileinput may be what you want.

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