Im making a list of addresses that the user will select from, and the address text will be returned. I need to use Tkinter.Label because the Tkinter.Listbox will not allow for newlines.

The kicker is there is no .get()-like method in the Label class...

I know I can do something like:

v = StringVar()
Label(master, textvariable=v).pack()
v.set("New Text!")
print v.get()

However, I have a list of 5-20 address' keeping a seperate array of StringVar()'s will be difficult b/c I have no way of identifying the loc of the active label. I would like to just access the activated widget contents.

Is Tkinter.Label the right widget to be using?

2 Answers 2


To get the value out of a label you can use the cget method, which can be used to get the value of any of the configuration options.

For example:

l = tk.Label(text="hello, world")
print("the label is", l.cget("text"))

You can also treat the object as a dictionary, using the options as keys. Using the same example you can use l["text"].

  • 1
    cget() did the trick!!! Im kinda new to Tkinter, but this method seems quite useful! I shall add it to my grimoire. Thanks Again!
    – lmno
    May 24, 2011 at 17:09
label = Label(text = 'Hello, World!')
print(label['text']) # output is: Hello, World!
  • 1
    Although this code might solve the problem, an explanation is needed to make it to an answer.
    – BDL
    Sep 8, 2016 at 13:19

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