I'm trying to look through a mysql stored state to see whether or not they match a condition my code is here:

$stater = $this->state;
if ($stater == 'WA' OR 
$stater == 'BC' OR 
$stater == 'CA' OR
 $stater == 'NV' OR 
$stater == 'AZ' OR 
$stater == 'ID' OR 
$stater == 'OR' OR 
$stater == 'UT' OR 
$stater == 'MT' OR 
$stater == 'NM' OR 
$stater = 'wa' OR 
$stater = 'bc' OR 
$stater = 'CA' OR 
$stater = 'nv' OR 
$stater = 'az' OR 
$stater = 'id' OR 
$stater = 'or' OR 
$stater = 'ut' OR 
$stater = 'mt' OR 
$stater = 'nm'){               
                 $division = "West";

It is returning west no matter what :\ I tried changing the ='s to =='s I've tried separating each or into its own brackets ex if( ($stater='ca') || ($stater='nm')) etc but still nothing is working. Any help would be appreciated

  • In mid you are starting to use the = assignment instead of == comparison operator. This error could have been avoided by using in_array() for this purpose.
    – mario
    May 25, 2011 at 20:00

8 Answers 8


The problem is that you're using = instead of ==, so $stater is always ending up as 'WA'. That said, it may be cleaner to use an array and in_array() instead:

$west = array('WA', 'BC', 'CA', ...);
if (in_array($stater, $west)) {
    $division = 'west';

You should use == or === for comparison.
Also, for your case this code will be more handy:

$stater = $this->state;
$states = array('wa',

if (in_array(strtolower($stater), $states))
    $division = "West";
    $division = "";
  • CA is uppercase in your array May 25, 2011 at 20:04

Because you are using '=' instead of '==' in IF block.

PS. This code looks better:

$stater = $this->state;
$states = array('WA', 'BC', 'CA', ...);  //add all options

$division = in_array($stater, $states) ? 'West' : '';

The equality operator is ==, not =.

Setting a variable always returns true, so your line $stater = 'wa' will by default return true for that whole expression.

And have you tried switching OR to ||?


You confused == and =. $stater = 'wa' sets $stater to 'wa' and evaluates it as a boolean, always returning true.

Also, you should really consider a switch statement in conjunction with strtoupper:

switch(strtoupper($this->state)) {
case 'WA':
case 'BC':
case 'CA':
case 'NV':
    $division = "West";

In an if statement you should always use two ==, not one =. One = assigns the value, which makes it true.

However, in this particular case I would do something else:

if (in_array($starter, array('WA','BC',...))) { ... }

You definitely have = (set) confused with == (compare).

Regardless, I would likely use this in your situation, which is much easier to read and edit:

$valid_states = explode(',', 'WA,BC,CA,NV,AZ,ID,UT,MT,NM');

if (in_array(strtoupper($this->state), $valid_states)) {
    $division = "West";
} else {
    $division = "";

Just to have an unconventional answer here too:

if (stristr('WA BC CA NV AZ ID OR UT MT NM', $stater)) {

Is a bit compacter than the overspecific array/list check. And in this and other cases it's often sufficient to check against a list of allowed values.

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