When I switch tabs in my tab bar application, one of my views needs to update because the user may have changed a preference that affects it. It is a UIViewController's view, but when the views switch, the viewDidLoad/Appear methods aren't called. Can this be solved using an NSNotification or any other way? Please give example code, especially for NSNotifications, as I am new to them.

  • Why aren't they getting called? Are you using a UITabBarController object or just a UITabBar? May 27, 2011 at 18:34
  • The entire app runs on the UITabBarController but the view I am talking about is a subview of one of the tabs. I just want to know how to make it update when the tabs are switched. May 27, 2011 at 18:36
  • So it is [tabBarController]->[viewController]->[view]->[yourView](which is controlled by a view controller). Have I got the path right? May 27, 2011 at 18:44
  • yes, only there is one more view and view controller after the first view controller and view May 27, 2011 at 18:47

2 Answers 2


You might want to peek at UITabBarControllerDelegate and tabBarController:didSelectViewController:. There you can determine how to handle the view change and whether you need to update the view based on the possible preference change.


tabBarController:didSelectViewController: you can implement this method in the appdelegate. you will get the sxact root view controller at which yopu clicked . then you can update that view .


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