Say I have a 'Car' object which contains a 'color' column. I want in my view a listing of color with the number of times it has appeared.

Explorer Black
Charger  Yellow
Prius    Black
Jetta    Black
Ferrari  Red 
Pinto    Yellow

In my view, I want:

Black      3
Yellow     2
Red        1

In my controller I tried making a list like:

@colorcount = Car.all.count(:group => :color)

and then in my view I have something like

<%= @colorcount.each do |car, count| %>
   <%= car.color %>, <%= count %>
<% end %>

but I'm getting an error like:

undefined method `each' for 0:Fixnum

Is there a lot more to this? Thanks for any help.

1 Answer 1

@groups = Car.count(:group=>:color)

<% @groups.each do |color,count| %>
  <%= "#{color}, #{count}" %>
<% end %>
  • I was close! The answer that got deleted also worked. Thanks to both of you. I added sorting by this: @groups = Car.count(:group => :color, :order => 'count_all DESC')
    – a3uge
    Jun 3, 2011 at 3:46

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