So I have a fairly large form with two different sections. Both sections start off as hidden:

<fieldset class="section1" style="display:none">
//...input fields
<fieldset class="section2" style="display:none">
//...input fields

The sections are shown depending on which radio button the user selects. This all works great until I get to validation. How could I go about validating the form using the jQuery/Validation plugin but have it only validate the section that is showing?

Note: There are other sections that are always shown so I'd rather not have two separate forms.

1 Answer 1


You could ignore validation rules for elements inside the hidden section of your form:

    ignore: 'fieldset:hidden :input',
  • 1
    Simple. Elegant. Worked. Thank you. Jun 6, 2011 at 17:50
  • 1
    or ignore: ':not(:visible)' Feb 19, 2013 at 14:44

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