I need to do this for the Soundcloud API and I have no idea what this is about or how to do it. There is a form on the Soundcloud API Developer website where you save your callback URL, but I'm not sure what sort of information I should input there.

Any help?

1 Answer 1


i believe this callback url is for oauth authentication, correct? i needed to do the same thing for twitter and ended up setting up a custom url scheme for my app (ie appname://oauth) and using this as the callback url.

in case you want to try this, see this article on how to launch your app via a custom url scheme. specifically for twitter, you can see jaanus's post on some implementation details and the github project.

while i haven't integrated with soundcloud, i did find that they have an objective-c api that you may want to check out if you aren't already here.


so what i mentioned is true - that you can use a custom url scheme and such to handle the authentication, but it's not exactly required. i found this article which outlines two methods for authentication - the first is for ios4 only and requires very little code. the second should work on 3.x and uses the custom url method i mentioned above (and outlines how to use it to authenticate).

so to answer your question once and for all, i suggest you:

  1. look at this readme for the objective-c soundcloud api.

  2. read this setup guide.

  3. then read this usage guide.

  4. check out this test iphone application.

hope this helps!

  • Okay this seems like a good start. Indeed, I am using the soundcloud api, but I'm having trouble. I will check out your links and see how I far I can get. But any more info is greatly appreciated... I'm a novice! Thanks again. Jun 9, 2011 at 12:55

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