I have three tables. Question, Discipline and QuestionHasDiscipline. QuestionHasDiscipline holds the relation between Question and Discipline. They all have an unique id-column to identify them.

I am trying to write a linq-statement that returns all the questions that have a certain discipline.

What I have begun doing is this:

               var questions = (from q in context.Questions
                             where (from d in context.QuestionHasDiscipline
                                    where d.QuestionId == q.QuestionId
                                    ) ...

But it obviously is horribly wrong. I've tried different approaches but now I turn to the greater minds.. Any suggestions?


1 Answer 1


You can use .Any() with a predicate.

from q in context.Questions
where context.QuestionHasDiscipline.Any(d => d.QuestionId == q.QuestionId)
select q;
  • Just gotta say, I keep coming back to this one and it saves me everytime. Thanks again!
    – Phil
    Jul 25, 2011 at 17:15

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