Rename all the files within a folder with prefix "Unix_"

Suppose a folder has two files


then they both should be renamed from a single command to


9 Answers 9


If your filenames contain no whitepace and you don't have any subdirectories, you can use a simple for loop:

$ for FILENAME in *; do mv $FILENAME Unix_$FILENAME; done 

Otherwise use the convenient rename command (which is a perl script) - although it might not be available out of the box on every Unix (e.g. OS X doesn't come with rename).

A short overview at debian-administration.org:

If your filenames contain whitespace it's easier to use find, on Linux the following should work:

$ find . -type f -name '*' -printf "echo mv '%h/%f' '%h/Unix_%f\n'" | sh

On BSD systems, there is no -printf option, unfortunately. But GNU findutils should be installable (on e.g. Mac OS X with brew install findutils).

$ gfind . -type f -name '*' -printf "mv \"%h/%f\" \"%h/Unix_%f\"\n" | sh
  • @Matteo: Thanks the hint: updated my answer with a warning plus two examples with find.
    – miku
    Aug 4, 2013 at 10:02
  • Also would recommend for f in *; do [[ -f ${f} ]] && mv ...; done to catch only files (no sub-directories, links, etc.)...
    – twalberg
    Sep 4, 2013 at 20:52
  • 2
    If you quote variables as you should, then for FILENAME in *; do mv "$FILENAME" "Unix_$FILENAME"; done works correctly regardless of what characters are in the file names. It does move directories, sockets, symlinks and other file types too; I presume that doesn't matter. Jun 3, 2018 at 17:48
  • Somehow this added a . before all my files Nov 5, 2020 at 3:10
  • as of March 2022, the link to debian-administration.org doesn't work.
    – Dr Phil
    Mar 18, 2022 at 1:39

Try the rename command in the folder with the files:

rename 's/^/Unix_/' *

The argument of rename (sed s command) indicates to replace the regex ^ with Unix_. The caret (^) is a special character that means start of the line.

  • 10
    Could you explain what 's/^/.../' means?
    – mcont
    Dec 24, 2016 at 20:07
  • @Matteo 's/^/.../' is the perl expression argument for the rename command Jan 19, 2017 at 15:38
  • 1
    this is awesome! i'd suggest to add folder/* , because * is a bit dangerous if command accidently will be repeated in another place Jun 6, 2019 at 7:09
  • 2
    Example to replace a prefix: rename 's/^start_/run_' * Dec 26, 2019 at 20:46
  • 2
    Requires installing rename package in linux
    – kkgarg
    Jun 23, 2021 at 17:30

I think this is just what you'er looking for:

ls | xargs -I {} mv {} Unix_{}

Yes, it is simple yet elegant and powerful, and also one-liner. You can get more detailed intro from me on the page:Rename Files and Directories (Add Prefix)

  • 4
    Beware of processing the output of ls — it can lead to problems if there are spaces or other oddball characters in the file names. Jun 3, 2018 at 17:50
  • is it possible to replace certain chracter(s) while renaming. For example, if the file name is 2.0.2.CR1.zip, it should become 2.0.2.GA.zip Oct 19, 2021 at 12:46

I recently faced this same situation and found an easier inbuilt solution. I am sharing it here so that it might help other people looking for solution.

With OS X Yosemite, Apple has integrated the batch renaming capabilities directly into Finder. Details information is available here. I have copied the steps below as well,

Rename multiple items

  1. Select the items, then Control-click one of them.

  2. In the shortcut menu, select Rename Items.

  3. In the pop-up menu below Rename Folder Items, choose to replace text in the names, add text to the names, or change the name format.

    • Replace text: Enter the text you want to remove in the Find field, then enter the text you want to add in the “Replace with” field.

    • Add text: Enter the text to you want to add in the field, then choose to add the text before or after the current name.

    • Format: Choose a name format for the files, then choose to put the index, counter, or date before or after the name. Enter a name in the Custom Format field, then enter the number you want to start with.

  4. Click Rename.

If you have a common pattern in your files than you can use Replace text otherwise Add text would also do the job.

  • 2
    Excellent - saved me a lot of time! Jul 25, 2016 at 22:51
  • Great solution for Mac users
    – kkgarg
    Jun 23, 2021 at 17:35

You can just use -i instead of -I {}

ls | xargs -i mv {} unix_{}

This also works perfectly.

  • ls - lists all the files in the directory
  • xargs - accepts all files line by line due to the -i option
  • {} is the placeholder for all files, necessary if xargs gets more than two arguments as input

Using awk:

ls -lrt | grep '^-' | awk '{print "mv "$9" unix_"$9""}' | sh
  • -i is deprecated, now is just -I
    – Gianpaulo
    May 4, 2017 at 12:41
  • it's helped me on Debian 8.Thaks Nov 30, 2017 at 16:38

Also works for items with spaces and ignores directories

for f in *; do [[ -f "$f" ]] && mv "$f" "unix_$f"; done

With rnm (you will need to install it):

rnm -ns 'Unix_/fn/' *


rnm -rs '/^/Unix_/' *

P.S : I am the author of this tool.

  • 2
    You should go through all your answers about your utility, and add the disclaimer that you are its author.
    – Mogsdad
    May 7, 2016 at 14:32
  • @Mogsdad : I don't think its that of a necessary info. If someone wants to find the author, it's pretty easy.
    – Jahid
    May 9, 2016 at 13:03
  • Thank you for this tool. For some reason, rename doesn't work for me, but rnm does.
    – Aloso
    Mar 13, 2019 at 1:05


We have certificate.key certificate.crt inside /user/ssl/

We want to rename anything that starts with certificate to certificate_OLD

We are now located inside /user

First, you do a dry run with -n:

rename -n "s/certificate/certificate_old/" ./ssl/*

Which returns:

rename(./ssl/certificate.crt, ./ssl/certificate_OLD.crt) rename(./ssl/certificate.key, ./ssl/certificate_OLD.key)

Your files will be unchanged this is just a test run.


When your happy with the result of the test run it for real:

rename "s/certificate/certificate_OLD/" ./ssl/*

What it means:



If you are already on the path run it like this:

rename "s/certificate/certificate_OLD/" *

Or if you want to do this in any sub-directory starting with ss do:

rename -n "s/certificat/certificate_old/" ./ss*/*

You can also do:

rename -n "s/certi*/certificate_old/" ./ss*/*

Which renames anything starting with certi in any sub-directory starting with ss.

The sky is the limit.

Play around with regex and ALWAYS test this BEFORE with -n.

WATCH OUT THIS WILL EVEN RENAME FOLDER NAMES THAT MATCH. Better cd into the directory and do it there. USE AT OWN RISK.


find -execdir rename

This renames files and directories with a regular expression affecting only basenames.

So for a prefix you could do:

PATH=/usr/bin find . -depth -execdir rename 's/^/Unix_/' '{}' \;

or to affect files only:

PATH=/usr/bin find . -type f -execdir rename 's/^/Unix_/' '{}' \;

-execdir first cds into the directory before executing only on the basename.

I have explained it in more detail at: Find multiple files and rename them in Linux

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