My DB have two tables - Question and Topic. To implement many-to-many relation, there is a mapping table which has following structure:

Table TopicQuestionMapping

  • int ID (Primary Key)
  • int QuestionID (Foreign key to Question table)
  • int TopicID (Foreign key to Topic table)

Now, in my EF I got something like

ViewData.Model = DB.QuestionMaster.Include("TopicQuestionMapping").First(x => x.ID == id);

and then I try to fetch topic like


(for simplification, I am just considering the first record)

The query populates the TopicQuestionMapping (I am getting count = 1). But the TopicMaster is null. Howe can I get it work?

It is something like Table A refer to Table B. Table B refer to Table C. I need to get data from Table C.

1 Answer 1


Include uses .'s to navigate the object graph.

So like .Include("TableA.TableB.TableC")



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