Is it possible to make a Firefox extension so everytime you access a certains website you also see a box with an information, either integrated in the website or not. For example everytime you access google homepage you get a box with some information independent to the searches you make. Thanks a lot

  • Yes, that should be possible. Any other question? Jun 16, 2011 at 13:50
  • is it possible the information to look like it was part of that website? and do I need any sort of permission from the website owner in that case?
    – DDD
    Jun 16, 2011 at 13:53
  • Well, if you add elements to the site, the defined styles will also apply to them. If you need the permission: That might depend on what you actually want to do. Jun 16, 2011 at 13:55

1 Answer 1


Yes, there are a couple of approaches you could take.

You can avoid the complexity of doing an extension if you simply write a Greasemonkey script. There are a ton of example scripts at userscripts.org that you should be able to search for ways to approach your particular project.

If you want to distribute it as an extension, I'd suggest using the Addon SDK. It makes it really easy to develop and package an extension, and provides a framework called page-mods to modify pages.

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