Is it possible that Execute SQL Query without Displaying results?


Select * from Table_Name

after running this query result should not be displayed in sql server.

  • 2
    If that was the interview question it seems very odd an not very well thought out. You can "Parse" (the tick icon near the Execute button) a SQL Query in the SQL Server Mangement Studio. It won't run the query but it does check that the SQL is valid. Maybe that's what they were getting at. Jun 17, 2011 at 13:47
  • 9
    Turning off the screen ;)
    – Guido
    Jun 17, 2011 at 16:22
  • 5
    There are legitimate (non-interview) reasons for wanting to do this. Twice now I have tried to find a way to do this, both for almost the same reason and both as a hack for working with poor 3rd party software. In brief: say you are working with some piece of software that accepts user input SQL (reporting s/w with custom queries). Now imagine you want to set some vars at the top for readability and simplicity for users. Now imagine this STUPID piece of software would let you do this, but for a check that the first word in the SQL is SELECT. Now shoot me, please, I can't go on like this.
    – DaveRandom
    Jul 14, 2015 at 17:09
  • 2
    I have a use case for this. Came here looking for a solution. I want to find all tables containing an "ItemID" field... and further to that, I want to find all tables for which there is at least one record where 'ItemID' contains some specific value. Not all tables will have this. I want to print out only the name of the table if and only if there are records where 'ItemID' equals this value. I don't want any of the results which simply clutter my output.
    – Luke
    Sep 1, 2015 at 14:14
  • 1
    I have another case where I want this: I'm running a query against 100+ tables in a database to look for doubles in natural key. I then save the @@rowcount value. Then I'm not interested in the result, just the number of rows returned
    – Tech
    Jun 8, 2016 at 12:34

12 Answers 12


I'm surprised nobody came up with the answer : switch on the "discard query results after execution" option; l I'm pretty sure that was what the interviewer was after. SET FMT ONLY is totally different thing IMHO.


  • open a new query
  • in the menu select Query / Query options
  • select the Results pane
  • check the "discard result after execution"

The reason you might want to do this is to avoid having to wait and waste resources for the results to be loaded into the grid but still be able to have e.g. the Actual Execution Plan.

  • 30
    Great answer. I needed this to see how long the query runs without SSMS wasting CPU cycles to draw the grid, use up display memory and other b/s Jan 8, 2016 at 20:16
  • 8
    This, exactly this. I needed to run 1000 queries consecutively, each returning a result set and at the same time logging execution times. If I had the result sets displayed, I would have crashed SSMS easily.
    – John B
    May 5, 2016 at 0:06
  • 3
    Performance tuning/benchmarking scripts are exactly the reason you'd want to do this - you're tracking execution times and want to ignore the time it takes to pump results back (which you're not really in control of), focusing on the query execution time (which you are in control of). This is completely legitimate!
    – SqlRyan
    Jun 21, 2016 at 14:47
  • 2
    I've seen where a stored proc a layer down is being called in a loop, and it returns a very small result set. After a few hundred of these looped executions and therefore a few hundred result sets returned, SSMS will slow to a crawl, become totally unresponsive, and potentially crash with an out of memory error. Aside from modifying the code to insert into and discard all those individual retuls, I can see setting the option as described above would be a useful workaround. Jun 23, 2016 at 21:49
  • 2
    Seems to discard messages too, so no help for me using set statistics
    – Paul
    Feb 19, 2018 at 10:57

Executing will return a recordset. It may have no rows of course but get a result

You can suppress rows but not the resultset with SET FMTONLY

SELECT * FROM sys.tables

SELECT * FROM sys.tables

Never had a use for it personally though...

Edit 2018. As noted, see @deroby's answer for a better solution these days

  • 2
    Worth mentioning is that from SQL Server 2012 this feature is deprecated and replaced with some functions instead. Follow the link in the post for more information
    – Tech
    Jun 8, 2016 at 12:42
  • 8
    Also worth mentionin is that set fmtonly will NOT actually run the query. It only fetches metadata (hence the name). Not very useful to run a benchmark for instance...
    – thomasb
    Jan 9, 2017 at 13:43
  • 1
    WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 does not work any more to itterate through a cursore if I use SET FMTONLY ON Jul 5, 2017 at 16:03
  • 2
    Look at @deroby 's answer for current solution.
    – Jon McEroy
    Sep 27, 2018 at 16:24

Sounds like a dubious interview question to me. I've done it, I've needed to do it, but you'd only need to do so under pretty obscure circumstances. Obscure, but sometimes very important.

As @gbn says, one programmatic way is with SET FMTONLY (thanks, now I don't have to dig it out of my old script files). Some programs and utilities do this when querying SQL; first they submit a query with FMTONLY ON, to determine the layout of the resulting table structure, then when they've prepared that they run it gain with FMTONLY OFF, to get the actual data. (I found this out when the procedure called a second procedure, the second procedure returned the data set, and for obscure reasons the whole house of cards fell down.)

This can also be done in SSMS. For all querying windows, under Tools/Options, Query Results/SQL Server/Results to XX, check "Discard results after query executes"; for only the current window, under Query/Query Options, Results/XX, same checkbox. The advantage here is that the query will run on the database server, but the data results will not be returned. This can be invaluable if you're checking the query plan but don't want to receive the resulting 10GB of of data (across the network onto your laptop), or if you're doing some seriously looped testing, as SSMS can only accept so many result sets from a given "run" before stopping the query with a "too many result sets" message. [Hmm, double-check me on that "query plan only" bit--I think it does this, but it's been a long time.]

  • 4
    "Discard Results" seems to be the only way to do this properly - all the other options don't actually execute the SQL :|
    – Spikeh
    Jan 28, 2014 at 10:03
  • 1
    i think it is a valid question, and it helped me solve my problem. I was getting SQL out of memory exception and this helped. Feb 17, 2017 at 14:26
insert anothertable
Select * from Table_Name

Executes the select but returns nothing

set noexec on 
Select * from Table_Name

Parses but does not execute and so returns nothing.

  • SET NOEXEC ON; SELECT 1 FROM MyTable WHERE 1 = 2; SET NOEXEC OFF;. Works perfect and see broken dynamic SQL or lost tables on a Linked Server
    – it3xl
    Aug 26, 2018 at 20:39

Perhaps the interviewer intended to ask a different question:

How would you execute a SQL query without returning the number of results?

In that case the answer would be SET NOCOUNT ON.

  • 1
    This worked fine, but remember to put "SET NOCOUNT OFF" after running your query or procedure
    – Troglo
    Jul 12, 2016 at 17:02
  • that's what I was wanting :-) just didn't remember the syntax Nov 9, 2018 at 23:37

If you need the query to execute but don't need the actual resultset, you can wrap the query in an EXISTS (or NOT EXISTS) statement: IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME...). Or alternately, you could select INTO #temp, then later drop the temp table.

  • IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM MyTable WHERE 1 = 2) BEGIN DoNothingHere: END;
    – it3xl
    Aug 27, 2018 at 3:21
  • Although this could be a way to avoid copying lots of data too; it's not entirely the same thing. The WHERE EXISTS() probably will stop after the first record that matches the criteria. However, it could be that 1000 records "below" you run into a (e.g.) Divide By Zero error that would remain unnoticed when working like this.
    – deroby
    Jan 11, 2019 at 20:15

In my case I was testing that the data was behaving in all views, e.g. any cast() functions weren't causing conversion errors, etc. so supressing the actual data wasn't an option, displaying wasn't too bad but a bit of wasted resource and better not to diplsay if sending results only in text.

I came up with the following script to test all the views in this way, the only problem is when it encounters views that have text/ntext columns.

declare csr cursor local for select name from sys.views order by name
declare @viewname sysname
declare @sql nvarchar(max)

open csr
fetch next from csr into @viewname
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
    --set @sql = 'select top 1 * from ' + @viewname 

    set @sql = 'declare @test nvarchar(max) select @test = checksum(*) from ' + @viewname 

    print @viewname

    exec sp_executesql @sql
    fetch next from csr into @viewname
close csr
deallocate csr

Is the goal to suppress all rows? Then use a filter that evaluates to false for every row:

SELECT * FROM Table_Name WHERE 1 = 2

If you are using PostgreSQL you can put your select in a function and use PERFORM The PERFORM statements execute a parameter and forgot result.

A PERFORM statement sets FOUND true if it produces (and discards) one or more rows, false if no row is produced.


  • 1
    The OP asked for SQL Server Nov 22, 2021 at 17:07

Yet another use case is when you just want to read all the rows of the table, for example testing against corruptions. In this case you don't need the data itself, only the fact that it is readable or not. However, the option name "Discard results AFTER execution" is a bit confusing - it tells me that the result is fetched and only then discarded. In contrary, it fetches the data for sure but does not store it anywhere (by default the rows are put into the grid, or whatever output you have chosen) - the received rows are discarded on the fly (and not AFTER execution).


I am surprised the community can't easily find a use case for this. Large result sets take memory on the client, which may become a problem if many SSMS windows are active (it is not unusual for me to have 2-3 instances of SSMS opened, each with 50-70 active windows). In some cases, like in Cyril's example, SSMS can run out of memory and simply unable to handle a large result set. For instance, I had a case when I needed to debug a stored procedure returning hundreds of millions of rows. It would be impossible to run in SSMS on my development machine without discarding results. The procedure was for an SSIS package where it was used as a data source for loading a data warehouse table. Debugging in SSMS involved making non-functional changes (so the result set was of no interest to me) and inspecting execution statistics and actual query execution plans.

  • 2
    Not quite sure if this is a comment, or an answer to the question?
    – roelofs
    Dec 21, 2017 at 23:30
  • 2
    My use case is to time a functionality that returns a lot of rows, but I don't want to include how long it takes SSMS to display the results obviously. Jun 13, 2018 at 15:17

I needed a proc to return all records updated by a specified user after a certain point in time, only showing results where records existed. Here it is:

-- Written by David Zanke
-- Return all records modified by a specified user on or after a specified date. 

If mod date does not exist, return row anyhow

Set Nocount on 

Declare @UserName varchar(128) = 'zanked'
    , @UpdatedAfterDate Varchar( 30)  = '2016-10-08'
    , @TableName varchar( 128)
    , @ModUser varchar( 128)
    , @ModTime varchar( 128)
    , @sql varchar( 2000 )

-- In a perfect world, left join would be unecessary since every row that captures the last mod user would have last mod date.

-- Unfortunately, I do not work in a perfect world and rows w/ last mod user exist w/o last mod date

Declare UserRows Cursor for Select distinct c1.table_name, c1.column_name, c2.column_name  From INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c1

Left Join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c2 On c1.Table_Name = c2.Table_Name And c2.Column_name like '%DTTM_RCD_LAST_UPD%'
        Where c1.column_name like '%UPDATED_BY_USER%'

Open UserRows

Fetch UserRows Into  @tablename, @ModUser, @ModTime

While ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 )
    -- capture output from query into a temp table

    Select @sql = 'Select ''' + @TableName + ''' TableName, * Into ##HoldResults From ' + @TableName + ' Where ' + @ModUser + ' = ''' + @userName + ''''
            + Case When @ModTime Is Null Then '' Else   ' And ' + @ModTime + ' >= ''' + @UpdatedAfterDate + '''' End

    Exec ( @sql)

    -- only output where rows exist
    If @@ROWCOUNT > 0
        Select * from ##HoldResults
    Drop Table ##HoldResults

    Fetch UserRows Into  @tablename, @ModUser, @ModTime

Close UserRows;
Deallocate UserRows

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