Fairly simple task right?

http://graph.facebook.com/cocacola returns the ID

http://graph.facebook.com/40796308305 returns Cocacola

So I have an enigma.

http://graph.facebook.com/tacobell.careers renturns false

http://graph.facebook.com/38614264036 returns false (this is the only ID could find)

http://facebook.com/tacobell.careers does exist and pulls a page up. It has Likes and not friends so it IS a PAGE.

Can anyone find the ID and get a valid object back from openGraph API?

Thank you very much. Please enlighten me as to how you did it so I can do it in the future. Thanks again!

  • Thanks. It was a typo but has no bearing on the question. Anyone have any clue at all?
    – CSSHell
    Jun 22, 2011 at 3:02

1 Answer 1


There is a closed-by-design Facebook bug about this. That page has demographic restrictions enabled on it. I was able to access that page using the graph api if I specify an access_token. For example, go to this page and click on one of the sample url's that use an access_token (like friends). Then change the url to tacobell.careers, leaving the access_token.

  • Yay! Thanks. Now I am battling the oAuth... THANKS TONS FOR YOUR HELP!!
    – CSSHell
    Jun 23, 2011 at 9:33

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