I'm using django-pjax, and I'm not sure how I should be redirecting from within a view that could also return a pjax response.

If I use the redirect shortcut, I get:

AttributeError: 'HttpResponseRedirect' object has no attribute 'template_name'

Probably because django-pjax requres a TemplateResponse object, not a HttpResponse object. But since TemplateResponse objects don't handle redirects, I'm not sure what to do.

Any guidance is appreciated!

  • Are you trying to send the browser to a completely new URL? Or load content located at the redirected url using pjax? You might have to skip using the decorator for these views. Mar 27, 2014 at 19:46

1 Answer 1


At your front-end try this type of redirecting:

$.pjax({url: $('.logo').attr('href'), container: '#w0'});

Replace $('.logo').attr('href') to your url and #w0 to your container ID.

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