Is there an encryption algorithm in ColdFusion that doesn't use any special characters (only alphanumeric)? I have some data that I am passing to a user as a pseudo password which includes their username and the site that they are assigned to. I need to encrypt the string with an encryption algorithm built into ColdFusion 8 Enterprise edition and it cannot have any special characters in the final string. Is this possible and if so what algorithm will do this?

<cfset loc.token = encrypt(loc.token,Application.secretKey,'Blowfish','Base64') />
  • Just encode the result in base-64!
    – Kerrek SB
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:14
  • It already is in base64 :) ie That is what the fourth parameter does ie sets the encoding of the output string
    – Leigh
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:47
  • @Leigh: D'oh, indeed -- I was careless and just thought "ASCII printable", but he really wants only alphanumerics. Sorry!
    – Kerrek SB
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:51
  • @Kerrek SB - No worries. I was not thinking hex at first either.
    – Leigh
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:55
  • If you want something with more characters than hex, there's also Douglas Crockford's base32 encoding.
    – hammar
    Jul 12, 2011 at 17:20

3 Answers 3


Just use binhex. Encode each byte as a hexadecimal number, ranging from 00 to FF. Base 64, however, includes several nonalphanumeric characters, such as + / = .

  • Right - binhex is a 4-bit, base-64 is 6-bit encoding. Whatever floats your boat. For truely alphanumeric output binhex is indeed better.
    – Kerrek SB
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:19
  • Well, we can come up with a compromise: Base32, which is a 5-bit encoding, though this is presumably less well known than binhex or Base 64
    – Peter O.
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:26
  • 1
    Nice. Though it still seems to include = for padding :-( Or do you mean base32hex? How about Crockford's Base32, which disallows accidental obscenity? (Presumably invented on expertsexchange.com.)
    – Kerrek SB
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:30
  • 1
    @Kerrek SB - +1. Haha. I did not know about the excluded letters. @Peter O - Good idea. In CF it is just a matter of changing the encoding parameter to "hex" ie encrypt(text, key, algorithm, encoding)
    – Leigh
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:40
  • If I changed the Base64 argument of the function to "hex" it worked perfectly with no special characters.
    – Dave Long
    Jul 7, 2011 at 20:46

This should work for you,

#encrypt('text_im_encrypting', ToBase64(BinaryDecode('my_encrypt_key',"Hex")), 'AES', 'Hex');#

replace the *text_im_encrypting* and *my_encrypt_key* values obviously... =)


There are two undocumented functions, cfusion_encrypt(string, key) and cfusion_decrypt(string, key), that encrypt/decrypt based on hexadecimal strings. So essentially, since the resulting string is completely hex, it contains no special characters:

    writeoutput(cfusion_encrypt("stackoverflow", "rocks")); // outputs 011B0208181D190619151E0014
    writeoutput(cfusion_decrypt("011B0208181D190619151E0014", "rocks")); // outputs stackoverflow
  • That is not the same. It does not use the "Blowfish" algorithm.
    – Leigh
    Jul 13, 2011 at 16:40
  • @Leigh: Did you read the question? He didn't ask for a blowfish algorithm - he asked for an algorithm that didn't return any special characters.
    – Phydiux
    Jul 13, 2011 at 16:56
  • What I meant was, I think you misunderstood the question. He asked about an algorithm for the encrypt function. So cfusion_encrypt probably is not what he is looking for (it also does not provide real/strong encryption). All that is needed is to use encrypt(text, key, algorithm, "hex") and no more special characters.
    – Leigh
    Jul 13, 2011 at 18:15

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