I read the following posts but neither helped to just get the same efficient way of printing logs from NLog onto a RichTextBox control target as in Winforms.

How can I use NLog's RichTextBox Target in WPF application?

WPF: Binding RichTextBox to Logger Output

I also browsed the official forum but with no success (except suggestions to read the two above posts).

The idea would be to add the target as:

<target xsi:type="RichTextBox" name="console"

And within the WPF window with MyWPFWindowName as name, to add a RichTextBox control with rtbConsole. Even if I create the target programmatically after the winow has been loaded, it will not use the existing rtbConsole but create a new form.

So, your help is appreciated!

  • what did you try so far and what happens? Please show some code instead of simply saying does not work. Jul 7, 2011 at 23:19
  • What specific issues are you experiencing with logging to RichTextBox? "It's not as efficient" is pretty vague. What are you expecting to happen?
    – Adam Lear
    Jul 7, 2011 at 23:20
  • Please see my edit above. The issue is quite straightforward to replicate if you are using NLog and WPF. Jul 8, 2011 at 10:26
  • For those questioning whether the question is valid or not, nlog richtextbox output to winforms richtextbox ONLY and this question asked how can you output nlog ot wpf richtextbox. ive been meaning to do the same thing without success. Mar 17, 2013 at 5:17

4 Answers 4


I created a custom NLog target and linked it to a text box.

public class NlogMemoryTarget : Target
    public Action<string> Log = delegate { };

    public NlogMemoryTarget (string name, LogLevel level)
        LogManager.Configuration.AddTarget (name, this);

        LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", level, this));//This will ensure that exsiting rules are not overwritten
        LogManager.Configuration.Reload(); //This is important statement to reload all applied settings

        //SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForTargetLogging (this, level); //use this if you are intending to use only NlogMemoryTarget  rule

    protected override void Write (AsyncLogEventInfo[] logEvents)
        foreach (var logEvent in logEvents) {
            Write (logEvent);

    protected override void Write (AsyncLogEventInfo logEvent)
        Write (logEvent.LogEvent);

    protected override void Write (LogEventInfo logEvent)
        Log (logEvent.FormattedMessage);

public partial class MainWindow
    private NlogMemoryTarget _Target;

    public MainWindow ()
        InitializeComponent ();

        this.Loaded += (s, e) => {
            _Target = new NlogMemoryTarget ("text box output", LogLevel.Trace);
            _Target.Log += log => LogText (log);

    private void LogText (string message)
        this.Dispatcher.Invoke ((Action) delegate () {
            this.MessageView.AppendText (message + "\n");
            this.MessageView.ScrollToEnd ();
  • how do you actually add log? Mar 16, 2013 at 5:50
  • 1
    @publicENEMY fixed. The log is sent by delegate, to a text box in this case.
    – mafu
    Mar 17, 2013 at 0:44
  • 1
    @publicENEMY No, that would circumvent the whole NLog. Instead, perform logging as usual in NLog: private static _L = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); [...] _L.Info ("hello world");. You have to configure _L to log to the MemoryTarget that was created in the answer code, see here: stackoverflow.com/q/3516242/39590
    – mafu
    Mar 17, 2013 at 11:35
  • 1
    Now that I look at it, this seems like a whole lot of work for a simple job. I guess that's because the target does not exist in the default set provided by NLog ;(
    – mafu
    Mar 17, 2013 at 11:39
  • 1
    @mafu SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForTargetLogging (this, level); overwrites all logging configurations. If you have some logging already configured, you should use LogManager.Configuration.Reload(); instead. Also don't forget LogManager.Configuration.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", level, this)); in order to work with existing rules.
    – S. Dixon
    Nov 13, 2014 at 20:29

While this not really answer your question, but i believe this solution is better. An wpf control used to show NLog logs in listview. https://github.com/erizet/NlogViewer.


As @mafu's answer suggests:

[Create] a custom NLog [memory] Target and [link] it to a TextBox.

This sample will 'link it' via event and Event Handler delegates.

Define a NLog Memory Target as a Type

public class NlogMemoryTarget : Target
    public event EventHandler<string> OnLog;

    public NlogMemoryTarget(string name, LogLevel level) : this(name, level, level) {}
    public NlogMemoryTarget(string name, LogLevel minLevel, LogLevel maxLevel)
        // important: we want LogManager.Configuration property assign behaviors \ magic to occur
        //   see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3603571/1366179
        var config = LogManager.Configuration;

        // Add Target and Rule to their respective collections
        config.AddTarget(name, this);
        config.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", minLevel, maxLevel, this));

        LogManager.Configuration = config;

    protected override void Write(AsyncLogEventInfo[] logEvents)
        foreach (var logEvent in logEvents) {

    protected override void Write(AsyncLogEventInfo logEvent)

    protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent)
        OnLog(this, logEvent.FormattedMessage);

    // consider overriding WriteAsyncThreadSafe methods as well.

Usage in WPF Window Control

public partial class MainWindow
    private static readonly NLog.Logger logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    private NlogMemoryTarget _nlogMemoryTarget;

    public MainWindow()

        _nlogMemoryTarget = new NlogMemoryTarget("TextBoxOutput", LogLevel.Trace);
        _nlogMemoryTarget.OnLog += LogText;

    private void LogText(object sender, string message)

    private void DoSomething() {
       logger.Trace("DoSomething called!");

When you call on DoSomething (or do logger.Trace), your overloaded methods in your memory target will execute - which raises the event OnLog. Since you assigned an event handler, LogText, to OnLog in the construction of MainWindow, it will execute.


I agree that the 2 referenced links in the question are not optimal. (I also would NOT use those solutions.)

Here's what I'd try:

Write a custom (WPF) control target using an algorithm similar to NLog's FormControlTarget.

Ensure to register your new target.
Also, NLog's FormHelper may be helpful.

Most of the WinForms code should be easily convertible to WPF.

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