I have a table in MySql with a list of keywords. Each keyword was stored in a new row once it was entered by a user on this site.

I have the following query in PHP:

SELECT * FROM keywords GROUP BY query

Which gets all the keywords from MySql, and only shows one of each incase of duplicate keywords. So the output is something like:


When I'm using $update['query'];

But I'd like to count how many times each keyword appears in the database, so the output would be, for example:

Dog  (2)
Cat  (3)
Lion (1)
Fong (1)

And I'm trying to figure out what the SQL query should be, and how to print it using PHP.

  • At this moment I'd be happy with the simplest solution, but if youre feeling creative I'd love to learn how to do this with/without being case sensitive.
    – Adam Tal
    Jul 11, 2011 at 21:14

6 Answers 6


Try this query:

SELECT query, COUNT(1) AS rpt_count FROM keywords GROUP BY query

and in PHP you would access the columns using $update['query'] and $update['rpt_count']

SELECT *, count(*) as cnt FROM keywords GROUP BY query
  • Alternatively, use COUNT(*) AS count
    – blitzmann
    Jul 11, 2011 at 21:16
  • @Ryan - Yes an alias should have been there. Updated. Jul 11, 2011 at 21:17

Use SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM keywords GROUP BY query.

SELECT *, count(1) FROM keywords GROUP BY query
SELECT query, COUNT(query) FROM keywords GROUP BY query
SELECT keyword, COUNT(*) FROM keywords GROUP BY keyword;

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