Assume I have 3 teams that each need to play each other once. How can one efficiently iterate through them to schedule matches without duplicates?

    $teams = range('a', 'c');
    $games = array();
    foreach ($teams as $t1)
        foreach ($teams as $t2)
            if ($t1 != $t2)
                $games[] = $t1 . ' vs. ' . $t2;

Results in:

        [0] => a vs. b
        [1] => a vs. c
        [2] => b vs. a  <-- Duplicate of [0]
        [3] => b vs. c
        [4] => c vs. a  <-- Duplicate of [1]
        [5] => c vs. b  <-- Duplicate of [3]

How can one efficiently avoid the duplicate matches?

The answer should yield:

        [0] => a vs. b
        [1] => a vs. c
        [2] => b vs. c

2 Answers 2



Container C;
for (i = 0; i < C.size; ++i)
  for (j = i + 1; j < C.size; ++j)
    /* have unique unordered set {i, j} */

If you want the diagonal entries (i, i), start at j = i.


This solution isn't as elegant as @Kerrek's, but it does the same job:

$teams = range('a', 'c');
$games = Array();
$matched = Array();

foreach ( $teams as $t1 )
    foreach ( $teams as $t2 )
        if ( $t1 != $t2 )
            if ( !in_array( Array( $t1, $t2 ), $matched ) && !in_array( Array( $t2, $t1 ), $matched ) )

                $games[] = $t1 . ' vs. ' . $t2;
                $matched[] = Array( $t1, $t2 );


print_r( $games );
  • Thanks. Despite it not being as elegant, I actually used your version since it was more straight forward (for me) in php.
    – Ryan
    Jul 29, 2011 at 19:47

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