This could be terribly trivial, but I'm having trouble finding an answer that executes in less than n^2 time. Let's say I have two string arrays and I want to know which strings exist in both arrays. How would I do that, efficiently, in VB.NET or is there a way to do this other than a double loop?

  • What version of .NET? in 3.5 you could use the linq extension for Intersect Mar 23, 2009 at 16:26
  • I believe we are using 2.0 at this point. Corporate hosting policy, unfortunately. Mar 23, 2009 at 17:07

4 Answers 4


The simple way (assuming no .NET 3.5) is to dump the strings from one array in a hashtable, and then loop through the other array checking against the hashtable. That should be much faster than an n^2 search.

  • It was probably best if they were in a hashset, dictionary, or list rather than an array in the first place. Mar 23, 2009 at 16:41

If you sort both arrays, you can then walk through them each once to find all the matching strings.


while(index1 < list1.Length && index2 < list2.Length)
   if(list1[index1] == list2[index2])
      // You've found a match
   } else if(list1[index1] < list2[index2]) {
   } else {

Then you've reduced it to the time it takes to do the sorting.


If one of the arrays is sorted you can do a binary search on it in the inner loop, this will decrease the time to O(n log n)


Sort both lists. Then you can know with certainty that if the next entry in list A is 'cobble' and the next entry in list B is 'definite', then 'cobble' is not in list B. Simply advance the pointer/counter on whichever list has the lower ranked result and ascend the rankings.

For example:

List 1: D,B,M,A,I
List 2: I,A,P,N,D,G


List 1: A,B,D,I,M
List 2: A,D,G,I,N,P

A vs A --> match, store A, advance both
B vs D --> B D vs D --> match, store D, advance both
I vs G --> I>G, advance 2
I vs I --> match, store I, advance both
M vs N --> M List 1 has no more items, quit.
List of matches is A,D,I

2 list sorts O(n log(n)), plus O(n) comparisons makes this O(n(log(n) + 1)).

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