Is there any way to force operator precedence in Scala like you do in Haskell with $?

For example, in Haskell, you have:

a b c = ((a b) c)


a $ b c = a (b c)

Is there a similar way to do this in Scala? I know Scala doesn't have operators per se, but is there a way to achieve a similar effect?

3 Answers 3


It is possible to use implicits to achieve a similar effect. For example: (untested, but should be something like this)

object Operator {

  class WithOperator[T](that: T) {
    def &:[U](f: T => U) = f(that)
  implicit def withOperator[T](that: T) = new WithOperator(that)


Using this system, you can't use the name $, because the name needs to end with a : (to fix the associativity) and the dollar is a normal identifier (not operator identifier), so you can't have it in the same name as a :, unless you separate them with underscores.

So, how do you use them? Like this:

val plusOne = (x: Int) => {x + 1}
plusOne &: plusOne &: plusOne &: 1

infix vs . notation is often used in a similar fashion to control precedence:

a b c d == a.b(c).d
a.b c d == a.b.c(d)
a b c.d == a.b(c.d)

Scala also has a fixed precedence ordering for operators used in infix notation:

(all letters)
< >
= !
+ -
* / %
(all other special characters)

Names can usually chosen explicitly to take advantage of this. For example, ~ and ^^ in the standard parsers library.

  • Pursued again by the phantom downvoter who leaves no explanation... most bizarre Mar 2, 2014 at 20:20
  • 1
    lovely code snippet that first one - i'll keep that handy to remind myself of these rules. thanks Nov 30, 2016 at 23:01

Scalaz has defined a "pipe" operator, which works similar, but with flipped arguments. See switch function and object with scalaz' |>

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