In my code I have a function that accepts an array of JQuery collections and applies some code to each via a for-loop.

The problem is that as soon as I reference one it somehow becomes a HTMLDivElement instead of a collection object.

function vacant_now($timetables, now){
console.log("1:" + $timetables);//still fine
for (var i=0; i < $timetables.length; i++){
    console.log("2:" + $timetables[i]);//problem is here
    var $timetable = $timetables[i];
    console.log("3:" + $timetable);
    $timetable.find(".booking").each(function(){ ...

it's called like this:

vacant_now($page.find(".timetable"), now);

I'm stumped.

3 Answers 3


The jQuery collection array is an array of DOM elements.

Doing this: $('#myDiv')[0]; returns the same as: document.getElementByID('myDiv');

Solution: Use $('.timetable').eq(index);

for (var i=0; i < $timetables.length; i++){




Using [i] on a jQuery object returns the dom element. If you want the jQuery object at a specific index use the .eq() function:

console.log("2:" + $timetables.eq(i));

Example - http://jsfiddle.net/8FeEf/1/


With jQuery you can use the .each method, and after you must 'jquerify' the object :

function vacant_now($timetables, now) {
    $timetables.each(function() {
        var $timetable = $(this);

A jquery collection is in fact an array of DOM elements.

You can also use a for, the syntaxe is a little bit more verbose. In all case, you must jquerify the object.

Exemple : http://jsfiddle.net/FTcpD/

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