ok, yesterday I posted almost identical question here , but I wasn't able to modify the answer(working) to my needs... I did not want to mess the other topic, so I have started new one.

So, I have 2 (actually about 15) structs, which can composed an object

class MyBase{};

template <typename Super, typename T1, typename T2> 
struct A : public Super 
    void doStuffA() { cout<<"doing something in A"; }

template <typename Super, typename T1, typename T2> 
struct B : public Super 
    void doStuffB() { cout<<"doing something in B"; }

then I have:

template <typename ComposedType, typename T1, typename T2>
class Combined
    ComposedType m_cT;
    Combined(const ComposedType & c) : m_cT(c) { }

    typedef A<null, T1, T2> anull;
    typedef B<null, T1, T2> bnull;

    void update()
        typedef typename split<ComposedType>::Ct Ct;
        typedef typename split<ComposedType>::At At;

        //this I want 
        if( composed of A ) 

        if( composed of B ) 

and I want to use it like:

int main()
    typedef A<B<MyBase,int,int>,int,int> ComposedType1;
    typedef B<MyBase,int,int> ComposedType2;

    ComposedType1 ct1;
    ComposedType2 ct2;

    Combined<ComposedType1, int, int> cb1(ct1);

    Combined<ComposedType2, int, int> cb2(ct2);

(ints are just for example purposes)

So I have some template magic:

struct null{};

struct split
    typedef null Ct;
    typedef null At;

template<template<typename> class C, typename T> 
struct split<C<T> >
    typedef C<null> Ct; //class template 
    typedef T      At;  //argument type

template<template<typename> class C> 
struct split<C<MyBase> >
    typedef C<null> Ct; //class template 
    typedef MyBase   At;  //argument type

but I can not make it works :(

I know there is a lot of code, but this is actually minimal example... I have posted this code to ideone, to make it better for reading.

Thank you!

EDIT: (to ask questions in comments)

I am building system for AI and want to solve as much thing in compile time as I can. In this case, I am building system for movement behavior. My code supply many types of behavior like "Go to point", "Evade from", "Avoid obstacles" etc. This behaviors are in example above mentioned as A a, B. Each of this behavior has method like "performBehavior" and its return type can be combined with other "performBehavior".

So I want to put together specific behavior at compile time. eg. just A or A+C+D+F etc...

and then in my update do something like:

if behavior is consisted of "Go to point", than "performBehaviorGoTo"

if behavior is consisted of "Evade from", than "performBehaviorEvade"


this is very very short explanation, but hope I have made my point

  • What are you trying to do? And why? If you want to know the parameters to A, add some typedefs there? If you want to "do_stuff" differently depending on the type, make the function virtual.
    – Bo Persson
    Aug 10, 2011 at 15:39
  • Are you experimenting? Or you want to write such complex code? What problem are you trying to solve with such complex coding? Aug 10, 2011 at 15:41
  • @Nawaz please, see my Edit to answer you questions
    – relaxxx
    Aug 10, 2011 at 20:19
  • @BoPersson please, see my Edit to answer you questions
    – relaxxx
    Aug 10, 2011 at 20:19

1 Answer 1


You can do that with function overloading:

template <typename Super, typename T1, typename T2> 
void doStuff(A<Super, T1, T2>& a) { a.doStaffA(); }

template <typename Super, typename T1, typename T2> 
void doStuff(B<Super, T1, T2>& b) { b.doStaffB(); }

And then:

// ...
void update()
    //this I want 
    //if( composed of A ) 
    //    m_cT.doStuffA();
    //if( composed of B ) 
    //    m_cT.doStuffB();


It is not clear, whether you want to chain calls for A<B<...> >. If you do, then something like the following would do:

template <class T> 
void doStuff(T&) { /* do nothing */ }

template <typename Super, typename T1, typename T2> 
void doStuff(A<Super, T1, T2>& a) { 

template <typename Super, typename T1, typename T2> 
void doStuff(B<Super, T1, T2>& b) { 

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