I have a plot with 6 different subplots. I iterate through a loop to make each of the subplots and I want to add the legend for each subplot at this time too. So here is an easy example:

matrixSol = scipy.random.random((6,6,4))
print matrixSol
mylegend = ['10 Million','15 Million','1 Million','20 Million','25 Million','5 Million']

for k in range(6):
    print k
    xs = matrixSol[k,:,0]
    ys = matrixSol[k,:,1]
    zs = matrixSol[k,:,3]
    plt.plot(ys, zs,'o', c=color[k], markersize=10)#marker = styles[k])
    #print mylegend[k]
    plt.ylabel('Y (%)')

The problem is that I am getting a legend that picks only the first symbol of each member of the list, please see figure attached. What is wrong with my code???? it is such a simple thing! thank you very much! any help will be appreciated!enter image description here

2 Answers 2



plt.plot(ys, zs,'o', c=color[k], label=mylegend[k], markersize=10)

enter image description here

alternatively, the solution already indicated by Chris Redford also works:

plt.legend((mylegend[k],), loc=2)

I'm pretty sure it's treating the code (mylegend[k]) in the line:


As if the string (e.g. '10 Million') is itself a list (e.g. ['1', '0', ' ', 'M', 'i', 'l', 'l', 'i', 'o', 'n']).

If you change that line to use (mylegend[k],) (comma to specify it is a tuple), it might work right:

  • Thanks for testing it and coming back to +1. I +1ed yours as well for its completeness (ie you tested your solution). Aug 25, 2011 at 18:53
  • 1
    thank you very much Chris, I tried many things but wouldn't have thought of putting a comma there! this works!
    – Laura
    Aug 25, 2011 at 23:19

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