What I am trying to do seems a very basic stuff, but I can't find anything about it. I am working on a project built as usual:

|-- bin
|-- inc
`-- src

I would like to make my project using the make command included in Vim. But each time I have to specify :make -C ../. I would prefer, if there is not Makefile file in the current directory, go in the parent directory. I already do that with

set tags+=./tags;/

in my .vimrc.

Furthermore, the make is by default ugly. Are there options to add color to make, and allow a direct access to the errors (as in Emacs).


6 Answers 6


Slight modification of what Adam said:

 :set makeprg=[[\ -f\ Makefile\ ]]\ &&\ make\ \\\|\\\|\ make\ -C\ ..  

Unescaped, this is

 [[ -f Makefile ]] && make || make -C ..

which means, pseudo code style

 if file-exists(Makefile) 
 then make
 else make -C ..

This only goes one directory up. If you'd like a more general solution that will go as many directories up as necessary, you'll need to be able to search ancestor directories until a Makefile is found, and I'm not sure how to do that simply from the command line. But writing a script (in whatever language you prefer) and then calling it from your makeprg shouldn't be hard.

  • 16
    One can use a let clause to avoid such an extensive escaping: :let &makeprg = '[[ -f Makefile ]] && make || make -C ..'.
    – ib.
    Oct 19, 2011 at 3:55
  • 3
    [[ a ]] && b || c is not exactly the same as if a then b else c. If a is true and b returns with a non-zero exit code, then c will be executed as well. Mar 9, 2013 at 14:12
  • reiner-torenbeek: good point. How about [[ a ]] && (b ; true) || c.
    – rampion
    Mar 9, 2013 at 14:35

The solution of rampion is a first step, but computed on vim load. When I load a multi tab session, the path can be inconsistent from one tab to another.

Here my solution (+ extra with tabnew).

fun! SetMkfile()
  let filemk = "Makefile"
  let pathmk = "./"
  let depth = 1
  while depth < 4
    if filereadable(pathmk . filemk)
      return pathmk
    let depth += 1
    let pathmk = "../" . pathmk
  return "."

command! -nargs=* Make tabnew | let $mkpath = SetMkfile() | make <args> -C $mkpath | cwindow 10

To answer your second question, you can navigate through the errors using the quickfix functionality in VIM. Quickfix stores the errors in a buffer and allows you to navigate forward/backwards through them.

You may have to define the error regexp to allow VIM to identify these from Make's output, but I seem to remember that it works out-of-the-box rather well (I've had to modify how it works for Java Ant builds - obviously doesn't apply here)


By far the easiest solution is to have a Makefile in your src directory, which is the way that many, many projects are set up regardless of editor/IDE. You can still have a top-level Makefile that calls make -C src, with the rules for building in src located in src where they belong.

  • I don't know why projects don't opt for a top-level Makefile whenever possible. Apr 17, 2014 at 20:50

Another approach can be used if you have a single makefile on project root directory:

|-- bin
|-- inc
|-- src
| Makefile

With your project path in variable like b:projectDir it is possible to use an "autocommand" to change to that directory before start executing :makeor :lmake:

augroup changeMakeDir
    autocmd QuickfixCmdPre *make
                \ if exists("b:projectDir") &&
                                    \ b:projectDir != expand("%:p:h") |
                    \ exe 'cd ' . b:projectDir |
                \ endif
augroup END

Projectroot plugin can be used to set b:projectDir; it also provides the commands to change the current directory to the project root directory:

augroup changeMakeDir
    autocmd QuickfixCmdPre make ProjectRootCD
augroup END

set makecmd="make -C .." in your .vimrc

  • I would prefer, if there is not Makefile file in the current directory, go in the parent directory. If Makefile exists, use it.
    – Jérôme
    Apr 8, 2009 at 9:54
  • that's not so easy. set your makecmd to be a script that tests that condition... it's not all that hard to do :)
    – Adam Hawes
    Apr 8, 2009 at 11:45
  • That is exactly what I am asking. I don't know how to test if a file exists or not in the vimrc
    – Jérôme
    Apr 8, 2009 at 13:08

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