Hi i installed the neocomplcache script and its great but i want to use a feature its called SuperTab, and the documentation on the site i think its wrong but i know that somebody with .vimrc experience can help me. The site is this

In the script's site there are a bunch of lines you can add to your .vimrc to get features, there is a line that i think its badly formated, and thats why it doesnt work when i add like it is, the line is this:

" SuperTab like snippets behavior. 
"imap <expr><TAB> neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expandable() ? "\<Plug>neocomplcache_snippets_expand)" : pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>" 

I'll add the line with the paragraphs below and above it for context.

" Plugin key-mappings. imap
(neocomplcache_snippets_expand) smap
(neocomplcache_snippets_expand) inoremap
neocomplcache#undo_completion() inoremap

" SuperTab like snippets behavior. "imap neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expandable() ? "\(neocomplcache_snippets_expand)" : pumvisible() ? "\" : "\"

" Recommended key-mappings. " : close popup and save indent. inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup() . "\" " : completion. inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" " , : close popup and delete backword char. inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\" inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\" inoremap neocomplcache#close_popup() inoremap neocomplcache#cancel_popup()

How am i supposed to add it to enable that feature? Thanks.

1 Answer 1


I don't think I understand the problem, but I'd do this:

" SuperTab like snippets behavior. 
imap <expr><TAB> neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expandable() ? "\<Plug>(neocomplcache_snippets_expand)" : pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<TAB>"
  • Yeah my explanation of the problem was bad, i know how to paste text, i wanted to know how to add that line to my .vimrc file because if i add it as it is it doesn't work, and i don't know what " i have to remove or if maybe is not one line but 3 different ones and i have to remove the " in all of them, i tried many combinations and nothing works. Sep 9, 2011 at 18:42
  • I updated my answer. A quotation mark is a comment so you should remove it from the imap line.
    – gpojd
    Sep 9, 2011 at 18:47

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