I have this input file

1 2
10 2
81 3
23 6
2537857295 19
34271891003654321 1267253

I am reading the file like this

with open("powersearch.txt") as fileIn:
    for line in fileIn:
        print line

I am wondering if I want to, for every single line, have the 1st integer stored as firstNum, the 2nd stored as secondNum. With Java I can use a scanner and do nextInt() and hasNext() to get the integers, what are the equivalent in Python?

4 Answers 4


Well to parse an int from a string you just use int(s), where s is the string.

I think this would be the most logic way in your example:

with open("powersearch.txt") as fileIn:
    for line in fileIn:
        n1, n2 = (int(s) for s in line.split())
        print(n1, n2)

Python is a different language than Java, and in my opinion more expressive (I can do more in one line than I can in Java and still write readable code). If you try to write Java stuff in Python you'll find the language a lot less effective than it can be.


Please discard the Java ideas. They will just confuse you.

Python is a different language, and you must learn the Pythonic approach.

Here's an example.

with open("powersearch.txt") as fileIn:
    for firstNum, secondNum in ( map(int, line.split()) for line in fileIn ):
        print firstNum, secondNum
  • There's a comma missing somewhere in there Sep 12, 2011 at 23:12
  • 1
    I think "map(int(line.split())" should be "map(int,line.split())".
    – Weeble
    Sep 12, 2011 at 23:12

EDIT - nightcracker's solution is pretty much equivalent now.

(I'm assuming you're using Python 2.x and not 3.x from the syntax.)

It's a matter of taste, but I would prefer a mix of S.Lott and nightcracker's solutions:

with open("powersearch.txt") as fileIn:
    for line in fileIn:
        firstNum, secondNum = [int(s) for s in line.split()]
        print firstNum, secondNum

List comprehension is a bit easier to read than map for me. Destructuring assignment lets us take the two item list and assign the element values to two different local variables at once.

  • 2
    Better use lazy evaluation and use (int(s) for s in line.split()) instead. If there are 100000 integers on a line the performance increase will be dramatic.
    – orlp
    Sep 12, 2011 at 23:30
  • If there are not exactly two integers on the line it will result in an error anyway. If you're worried about handling such a scenario more gracefully, a generator expression is only the start.
    – Weeble
    Sep 13, 2011 at 11:35

The answers before (n1, n2 = (int(s) for s in line.split())) will only work if you are using a couple of numbers. Otherwise, you will need to use the the map function.

with open("powersearch.txt") as fileIn:
    for line in fileIn:
        line_int = list(map(int, line.split()))

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