I am looking at the challenges in converting a codebase from using app engine patch to using django-nonrel.

I have existing data where Visit has a parent entity of a Patient. So:

class Patient(db.Model):

class Visit(db.Model):

patient = Patient(...)
visit = Visit(parent=patient, ...)

How do I continue this relationship when using only django-nonrel code? For example, how do I create a new Visit when Patient and Visit are derived from django.db.models.Model? How do I query visits, specifying the parent Patient? And so on.

I'm willing to use backend-specific interfaces.

1 Answer 1


I may have found an answer: unsupported. Source says:

# for now we do not support KeyFields thus a Key has to be the own
# primary key
# TODO: GAE: support parents via GAEKeyField
assert value.parent() is None, "Parents are not yet supported!"

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